WWABGD? What would a bored Grant Do?

May 18, 2006 13:43

By now most of us have head of WWJD? (What would Jesus do?), but I thought we needed some fannish equivalents. I'm looking for suggestions, but here are a few of my own:

WWGD - What Would Gandalf Do?
WWSD - What would Sméagol do? (Because WWGD is already taken)
WWGDMP - What Would Gollum Do, My Precious?
WWFWA - What Would Frodo Whine About?
WWLRHD - What Would L. Ron Hubbard Do? (And do we really want to know?)
WWCKD - What would Captain Kirk do? (get laid?)
WWAWCD - What Would A Worldcon Chair Do?
WWAWCPA - What Would A Worldcon Chair Panic About?
WWAGOHD - What Would A Guest Of Honour Do?
WWHSD - What Would Han Solo Do? (look confused?)
WWTDPRD - What Would the Dread Pirate Roberts Do? (Retire after 5 years?)
WWWD - What Would Westley Do? (Why, he'd say "As you wish," of course)
WWIMD - What Would Inigo Montoya Do (Why, he'd say "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die," of course.)

And some not-so-fannish ones:
WWAAD - What Would An Asshole Do?
WWGBFU - What Would George Bush F*ck Up? (WWGBNFU might be better)
WWAPDCD - What Would A Prophet-Drawing Cartoonist Do?
WWAMETD - What Would A Man Eating Tiger Do?

Okay, enough for now.


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