I'm baaaaack...

Jun 12, 2008 23:04

Um. Hi, it's me. Guess it's been a while. I dunno, it's not that there hasn't been anything going on the last 6...er, 7...8 (?!) months. There's been plenty (PLENTY), but once the not-posting got past a certain point it seemed like it would have to be something really noteworthy to merit breaking the silence.

This is not really noteworthy. But I'm really really sick of seeing my post about last Halloween every time I log in to my journal. And this seemed good enough. (You'd think I would have chosen to write about my dad coming into town and staying with us, or, oh, my sister graduating from college and getting married, or maybe the school I work for moving our operations into a brand new building this week, or even the fact that we'll be taking care of Allen's younger brothers (ages 3 and 5) all next week. Nope! You get self-righteous anger instead.)

So this new billboard went up on Highway 52 southbound this week. It's for Wedding Day Diamonds, and it irritated me badly enough that I just did something I've never done before: went to their website and wrote a snippy e-mail in their "contact us" form. Here's the ad: just a diamond engagement ring, but the text says, "Make her speechless. For a change."

Okay--I'm not the only one who thinks that's a little horrible, am I? (Actually, I know I'm not--the first words out of Allen's mouth were, "Wow. That's misogynistic.")

I mean, I hate the wedding jewelry industry already (in visiting their website, I noted links with titles like "Help Your Man" and "Keep It About Her" that made me grit my teeth a little) but really? I don't think you have to be a raging feminist to see the insult there. (Which I almost said in my e-mail, but then decided it might be wisest to leave that image out entirely.)

So yeah, I wrote what I suspect comes off as a mighty snide little letter, essentially telling them that they might want reconsider the ad, for their own good. I took all this time editing it and switching words around--and then of course realized after I'd sent it that i my haste I had neglected a redundancy caused by not deleting a word after choosing to move it to an earlier spot in the sentence, AND a stupid fumble of a typo. Should I be comforted by the fact that the ad itself has a fragment sentence?
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