Whee! Username successfully changed. Thanks for the input, everyone--I guess mostly I was looking to be told I wasn't being ridiculous, and I got the desired validation.
bakazaru? I realized after I'd posted the poll that it was of the checkbox variety, and was about to recreate the poll to change that, but Allen said, oh, don't bother, I'm sure people will know what you intended. Ha, sure. He didn't count on little brothers who have decided to be bratty. Heh heh.
Okay, so
thirdthoughts it is. Something of an obscure reference, I guess, but those who read Terry Pratchett, and in particular the Tiffany Aching series, will probably understand.
...Which means those who don't will not be too excited by this, I'm sure. Oh, well. I'm excited. And if anyone reeeeeally wants me to explain the reference, I will. But you should all read Terry Pratchett anyway.
Let me know if there's any weirdness on friends lists or anything due to the change. It was a little weird watching the new name just pop up, after 3 years of
sambangs. But I don't regret it a bit. It's the little things, you know.