the third swan discusses zombies

Mar 24, 2008 00:19

Two different kinds of zombies:

1. Voodoo zombie.
- Made by a bokor - a vodou practitioner who, among other things, can make zombii
- Possibly used tetrodotoxin (a neurotoxin found in fish in the Haitian area) to induce a death-like state
- Said to be mindless, easily-suggestible, have no will of their own
- Lack fine motor skills, mostly cannot speak, can't use tools, have no memory or emotions

2. Virus zombie.
- Zombie virus transmitted through saliva, blood, possibly sexually transmitted*
- Causes death followed by reanimation
- Sometimes portrayed as fast, sometimes as slow**
- Apocalyptic possibilities
- Not controlled by anyone
- Lack fine motor skills, ability to speak, can't use tools, have no memory or emotions
- Consume human flesh

Jesus fits neither of these categories; calling him a zombie is potentially a misnomer, as he shows no signs or symptoms of zombism, other than rising from the dead. Better classified as 'undead' or 'reanimated'.

*this is unknown because, to date, no one has successfully had sexual intercourse with a zombie
**zombie purists often lean toward their being slow-moving

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