Zero Point energy and Dna Code - Part 1

Dec 14, 2003 12:35

A real interesting article / interview that discusses zero point energy and how emotions affects the DNA strands.


An Interview with GREGG BRADEN by Stephen Marshall, Guerrilla News Network

The Prophets Conference New York City - Techniques of Discovery - May 2001

Stephen Marshall: Let's start off by having you introduce yourself and give us a little background primer on what it is you have been focusing your energy and intellect toward for the past few years.

Gregg Braden: Hello, this is Gregg Braden and it’s an honor to be here on the Guerrilla News Network. I think the kind of information that GNN is bringing is especially key at this time in our lives because there is a shift in belief systems, in paradigm, that’s unfolding both at the grassroots level, as well as in some of the scientific and accredited academic institutions. We’re finding evidence of a relationship, today, that apparently was very well known in ancient traditions and that Western science forgot about seventeen hundred years ago. And we’re just now finding evidence of that relationship again.

Steve: Can you elaborate on what you mean by this 'relationship' and how it directly applies to what you refer to as a paradigm shift? And, also, what do you say to people who have trouble believing in something that they cannot readily, physically see?

Gregg B.: Well, that relationship says to us that there is a power that lives within each individual, that walks this Earth, and that it has the power to bring a lasting healing to our bodies, a lasting peace to our world and, perhaps, avert even the greatest tragedies ever to face humankind. People say to me all the time, "If this power exists, where is it? Why don’t we hear about it today and why aren’t we using it in our world today?" And the answer to that question will lead us on a little journey - my personal journey - of how this information has come about.

My background is in the hard sciences - I’m an Earth scientist, a geologist. I have also worked in aerospace and computer science and what I can say is, in my formal and academic training absolutely nothing prepared me for the kinds of information that we are going to talk about in these next few moments: the relationships between what happens in the unseen worlds of our emotions and our feelings and the physical world around us. When I was in the industry, I had the opportunity to see direct evidence of tremendous shifts on our world - changes in the Earth’s magnetic fields, for example. And my first thought was, 'well if this is happening to the Earth, what does that mean to us? What does it mean to our bodies?' And I would ask my colleagues, geophysicists and highly esteemed seismologists, and I’d say, "Well what does this mean to us?" And they would say pretty much, "I’m a geologist don’t ask me, ask a life scientist." And I would ask my life science friends and they would say almost apologetically, "You know, my training is with the biology of the human body. We were never really told about how our bodies interface with the world around us."

And of course we know that’s changing now and that there is a direct measurable connection between what happens inside our bodies and the world around us. And it’s a two-way connection.

So people say, "If this is true, why don’t we know about it?" And what I can say briefly in response to that is that we know of at least two times in human history, in recorded human history, when the chain of knowledge that links the modern day world to the ancient traditions has been broken. There is a chain of wisdom that has been handed down from generation to generation, and we know that, at least twice, this chain has been broken to some degree.

The first of these was with the great library of Alexandria in Egypt - 48 BC. Now many people have heard about this library and very few people really, I’ve discovered, really understand what was in this library and the implications of losing a tremendous library like this. The Roman historians said that over 532,000 documents recording the history of human kind and our relationship to the Earth were in this library and they were already old in 48 BC. Almost all universally ancient texts and traditions - they say to us that there was a time in the history of our world and the people of our world when the wisdom of the heavens was given intact to the people of this Earth - the secrets of our origins, our relationships to one another, how we love one another, how we heal our bodies, our relationship to the cosmos. That information, apparently, has been with us for a very long time. It has been fragmented and lost as it has been passed down through history. And the loss of this Alexandrian library was certainly an important part of that. The second break in this chain of knowledge that we know of, was at the time that Biblical scholars openly now acknowledge the tremendous edits that occurred in the 4th century AD - 325 AD to be specific - of the texts that would later become our Western King James version of the Bible. What we know now is that during the 4th century, there was no nice neat biblical text the way we see it today. It was a loose assemblage of manuscripts, scrolls, and documents. Some of them were redundant, some of them were mystical, some of them were poorly written. And the Emperor Constantine pulled together a council in the 4th century and said, "Council, make me some recommendations. How can this information be more meaningful to the people of our time?" And in that time, the 4th century, it was a largely uneducated audience that they were speaking to. The council came back and recommended that 25 complete books of the Biblical texts be removed entirely and another 20 supporting documents be taken from the masses and reserved for scholars and elite priesthoods. So we know of at least 45 texts that disappeared and that the remaining texts were edited and reworded and reordered to make them more meaningful. So the text that remains, it’s a very good text - and I think we all agree the text is meaningful in our lives, however we also agree pretty much that it seems fragmented in places. Where are the women in the Bible, for example? The missing years of Jesus - they are missing because they were edited.

So we find evidence of these kinds of information in some of the archaeological discoveries of the 20th century - the Dead Sea scrolls being one of the keys. The Dead Sea scrolls - the library of ancient texts that were hidden in the first century after the crucifixion of Christ - they were recorded by a sect called the ancient Essenes - wisdom holders of this kind of information - and they recorded and hid their libraries before the edits of the 4th century. They were being persecuted - they fled the Middle East, and when they did so, they expected they would return some day. But, obviously, they never did. In 1946, we began discovering these scrolls and lo and behold, scholars were finding in 2,500 year old texts, Biblical documents that we had never seen before. And they said, 'My God, how come we’ve never seen these kinds of information before?'

And that is the source of the controversy.

To this day we have not seen all the Dead Sea scrolls, nor have they all been translated. And the ones that have, have not all been released. So, in essence, what we are saying -and this is pretty much acknowledged by scientists and scholars as well - is that, today, our scientific principles, our history, our medical technologies, the way that we view our relationship to one another and our world… at very best we have to say, as good as it is, it’s incomplete. And now that we are finding all this information again, we have to ask ourselves what does it mean in our world? If we could magically reduce all of this information from the Temples and the texts that have been discovered in the last two hundred years into a couple of key elements, what we would see is that almost universally, these ancient traditions say to us that there is a power that lives within us. The power is derived from a relationship. They say that we are linked, that every cell of the human body is linked with every aspect of creation - rocks, trees, plants, animals - we are all linked through a web, what the ancients called a web of an unseen energy. And now quantum science is finding precisely the same thing is happening, and now we’re calling it the 'quantum hologram' - a very technical word for what the ancients called the web of creation.

And, to make a long story very brief, the experimental evidence is showing conclusively that there is a web of energy that relates us. And what it says to us is that we are not isolated in our world - that the things that we do in our lives and even perhaps more importantly, the things that we feel in our bodies, our feeling world, is the basis of an internal technology that we forgot about when these texts were edited 1,700 years ago. It’s our feeling world of the emotions that Western civilization - primarily Western males - have been encouraged to forget about. That it is the power of human emotion that generates wrinkles in this field of energy that affects our bodies, affects the DNA in our cells and affects the world around us in ways that modern science is just beginning to understand, although the ancient traditions were very clear about this relationship.

So, people often ask me, they say, "Now you come from a world of science, why do you spend so much of your time looking at these ancient texts?" And I’ll address that just very briefly. It’s not that there is any power in the ancient texts. We’re not empowering the texts per se. What we know is that there is a universal theme that plays out through ancient traditions that says that this wisdom of the heavens was given to the people of the Earth in a complete and intact form in a language over six thousand years old. And we have that language today and the language hasn’t changed. So, to us, it sounds very Biblical - thees and thou shalts and thou shalt not -- so that happened on the one hand. And on the other hand, Western science is only a few hundred years old and has begun to rediscover the same principles that we find in the ancient texts. However, they are rediscovering them in little bits and pieces and they are struggling with how those bits and pieces fit together. So if we have the wisdom to do so, I believe what we may do - and we’re doing it in our research - is to look at what modern science is saying and where there is a gap. Then go back to the ancient records and see, in the language of the 6,000 year old texts, how that gap is filled in and translate that into the language of modern science. And lo and behold there is a story unfolding that is shaking the foundation of modern physics and modern science on the one hand, while empowering the masses to make a difference, to participate in the outcome of our world and what happens inside of our bodies. This inner technology we know actually triggers key codon sets - key switches of human dna - giving us enhanced immune systems, healing our bodies in ways that have seemed mystical and magical in the past. And it is a science. It is a technology.

Steve: Let me ask you, could you define, for those who have no idea what zero-point energy is, can you define it and explain what this revolutionary idea - how it challenges so profoundly the paradigm that governs Western science right now?

Gregg B.: Sure. The question comes up often of zero point energy and to answer, I am going to back off slightly and make a general statement and then I’ll become specific. Once again, when we go to the ancient traditions, what we find is that in the space that we’ve always called 'nothing' - when we look at a model of an atom, for example, we have a nucleus in the middle and we have an electron out here somewhere and we always thought it was empty space in between, or in the space between the planets from our Sun to Mercury and from Mercury to Venus we’ve always thought that was just empty space. What modern science, quantum physics, is finding now is that there is a form of energy - it’s a non-conventional form of energy. We haven’t recognized it because our machines have not been able to measure it. Our machines never looked for it, but it’s in this form of energy that there’s potential for creation and this web of energy is a potential form of energy. It is not energy that has been actualized. It’s essentially - you can think of it metaphorically, as a dormant or a sleeping energy. Zero point energy is the term used for our ability to tap into that infinite supply of energy from this web of information that surrounds all of creation and translate that energy into something usable in our worldly lives - to power our homes, to run our vehicles, to power our world grid - and it is a very real energy source and there is some very good work that is going on in that respect right now.

Steve: Let me ask you - there obviously are very powerful interests that control the industries of energy -- mineral extraction, fossil fuel exploitation. Will they fight this new information and the evolutions that it heralds for our planet? Are they already?

Gregg B.: That’s a good question. I come from that industry. My degree is in the Earth sciences - technically, I’m a geologist with a background in computer and life sciences. And I saw this back in the 70s when we had the oil Embargo for example. For the first time, the United States saw a shortage of energy that we hadn’t seen before. Many readers may remember long lines at the gas pumps or maybe not. What we are finding is there are always two ways to go about introducing a new paradigm and I think this is a very good example. There are some who would radically say, toss the oil industry aside and let’s go for this new form of energy and when we do that I feel that we really haven’t served our interests. People are threatened, they are frightened and our oil industry has worked so well that it has brought us to where we are today - it’s a very good, very powerful industry. What I personally believe is that we can work with those large corporations because they are finding scenarios playing out in the world that even they did not expect and behind closed doors are saying, 'We don’t know what to do.' So I believe there’s a way to work together and say, 'Yes, we need our fossil reserves for the foreseeable future. And let’s blend in these new technologies where it makes sense to do so - where we can’t ship fossil fuels because it’s in the presence of a wildlife reserve or in the Middle East where we don’t want to run thousands of miles of power lines.' This is where I think these alternative sources can be very useful and actually go a long ways toward bringing peace in our world.

Steve: Good point. The next part of your research has been about the tangible relationship between human emotions and our DNA strand and how that impacts healing. Can you describe this phenomenon and explain what you have found as evidence of its validity - I believe that there was some very conclusive evidence…

Gregg B.: Sure. Well, when I was in school back in the 70s, the late 70s, my classical training in the life sciences taught me that human DNA is a fixed code - that what we have genetically in our bodies when we are born is what we have all of our lives. What modern science is showing conclusively, now, is that that simply is not the case. It is true that we come in with a preset code - you can almost think of it like a factory setting from the factory of the cosmos - to get us going in life. But what we now know is that as we make choices in our lives that affect human emotions, those emotions actually turn switches of DNA off and on in our bodies.

Now let me be more specific.

When we find ourselves living a life of anger and rage and hate and jealousy and fear - those are the words of the language we use - that translates to a chemistry in our body that actually defeats life in our bodies. There is what we call a 'hate' chemistry and a love chemistry. So when anger and rage and hate and jealousy rule us (and sometimes we don’t even know when we are having those emotions) our immune systems are compromised. Our bodies don’t heal the way they could have healed - cells, cuts on your hands don’t heal the same way. There is an antibody called SIGA in your saliva. It’s your first line of defense. When we are angry, that saliva SIGA antibody decreases and makes us susceptible to opportunistic infections. On the other hand, when we find ourselves in the presence of compassion, love, understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, that’s the terminology in the English language that translates to a chemistry in our bodies that affirms and supports life, we have tremendously enhanced SIGA antibodies in our saliva. Our immune systems are tremendously enhanced. And I’m just going to tell you how far this is going.

A study was done in 1998, the first time a global blood study was done to find out how bad the AIDS epidemic really is on a global scale - the first time blood had been taken from people of all the nations for this study. And one of the first things researchers found, and it was just an amazing thing for them to be able to see, was that there is a mutation that is occurring in human genes in this generation that allows us to have a tremendously enhanced immune system against the HIV virus. Now this is an amazing thing to be able to say because, in the 1980s when we discovered AIDS, we said there is no cure. Whenever anybody tests positive it’s only a matter of time, and it’s terminal. And there were speculations that the entire world could be infected and eliminated through the HIV virus. That simply is not true now because humans have shifted something in their consciousness - their belief systems that translates to emotion and feeling in their bodies. And for some people now, they have actually changed the genetic code in their bodies. The University of Alabama at Birmingham has done studies with this and the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, right here in New York City, was responsible for doing the studies. They might have very different conclusions about what’s happening but they are showing conclusively there is what’s called a spontaneous genetic mutation happening in human populations. To make a long story brief again, the common denominator, what changed these people’s genes is their belief systems - we believe. That’s the only thing that we found that was in common with all of them. They didn’t give in to the possibility of losing their lives and they weren’t angry about what happened and they said we are going to chose a new belief system, where we honor life in our everyday world and by doing that they also find that their body responds in the same way.

Steve: Let me ask you because we were talking to Stanislav Grof about how he would diagnose the paradigm, the current psycho-spiritual status of our Western paradigm in terms of a medical perspective. And it would be interesting to get your perspective on this. If we were to diagnose the paradigm and say that right now we are working towards a status which is maybe uncontrollable, unmanageable, unlivable - what would you say these discoveries tell us about what we need to do and about what kind of future we can imagine?

Gregg B.: Well, I have to preface that by saying that I am an optimist. And I believe that my optimism is well founded, based on what I see happening with human populations all over the world. I travel the world to remote monasteries in Tibet and the Andes mountains in Peru and in the tribes, and all through Egypt and Bolivia and then the desert southwest and I’m seeing something happening in people universally. There is a new respect and honoring of life and I’m seeing that mirrored in the way that we go about our daily lives. At the end of 1999, right before the millennium, a panel was convened of some of the greatest minds or what are believed to be some of the greatest minds in our world representing different disciplines - scientists, researchers, religious leaders, spiritual leaders - and the question that was posed to them was what do you see in store for humankind during these first couple of decades of the new millennium? And almost universally, they spoke of the increased communications and the Internet and all those things. And they had never had this discussion before and they began one by one to say that they felt, within the near future, humankind will face the greatest challenges ever recorded in human history.

I believe that the outer technology… there’s a school of thought in the indigenous traditions - and I’ll be very brief with this - that says when we build machines in our world, that is actually us so longing to remember our relationship within, that we model outside of our bodies what we actually do inside. And it’s true when you think about it. Every machine that’s ever built - the circuits, the transistors, resistors, capacitors - they transmit, they broadcast energy - we do that in every cell of our body. Every cell of our body has 1.17 volts of electrical potential. We transmit, we receive, we are capacitors, we are resistors… So this ancient tenet says that in our building this very complex technology, it’s because we so long to have the memory out here reminding us of who we are in here, that we do that until all of a sudden we get it and we say, 'You know, we don’t need this stuff out here anymore because we are the technology.'

And I’m seeing that happen at the same time. It’s a birth and a death simultaneously. I’m seeing the death of all of the paradigms that have served us so well that they brought us to this moment. So they worked and they aren’t bad, they aren’t good. It’s just the path we chose and now they’re dying away in the presence of the birth of something new. And this is the generation where this happens and this is why it’s so exciting. It’s the first time in recorded human history we’ve have the technological power at our fingertips to either destroy all that we love and hold dear, or to remember our relationship to one another and the Earth and the cosmos and honor that relationship and forever preserve those things that we love and hold dear. It’s happening this generation right now.

[End of Part One. See Part Two in December 14, 2003 Dove Report]

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