Nov 30, 2007 13:44

Aithen-thama ith back, an' he doethn' know what'th wrong with Thayel-thama either. Maybe he hit hith head or Nel ith very confuthed. But Nel ith very happy that Ithigo an' Nel finally found eathother! Ithigo'th plathe ith muth nither than runnin' away from dwagonth!

ITHIGO!!! Nel found Aithen-thama. Ithigo thould go an' talk to him tho you can get ( Read more... )

ichigo, event: dragons, aizen-sama, wonderwice, szayel-sama

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octava_espada November 30 2007, 21:51:34 UTC
You should really stop claiming that I'm someone I'm not...


It's rather offensive.


[Voice Post] thirdethpada November 30 2007, 21:55:05 UTC
But Nel doethn' underthtand!!! Thayel-thama ith very thpethfic looking with hair like Yathiru an' he'th really thkinny!


octava_espada November 30 2007, 22:39:19 UTC
You JUST admitted that there are several people around with hair like mine! And being thin is not particularly rare. Why can you not simply understand that I am not who you believe me to be?

(OOC: He's considering murdering the memory right out of her, at this point. XD )


[Voice Post] thirdethpada November 30 2007, 22:46:33 UTC
Becauthe you look justh like him!!! It'th jutht weird, okay? Bethideth, you're thuthpithiouth...

You are tryin' really hard to prove you're not Thayel-thama...Nel thinkth maybe you know him and dun like him.

(( Haha XD; Someone's got to give him a hard time! ))


octava_espada December 1 2007, 08:26:10 UTC
...exactly how am I suspicious?

Wouldn't you try rather hard to prove you weren't some bastion of evil and suchlike? Err... no, actually, I suppose you wouldn't. Given that you are an Arrancar.

(OOC: Yeah... he's so close to saying "fuck it, cover blown, time to stabbity Nel." XD )


[Voice Post] thirdethpada December 1 2007, 10:24:42 UTC
Nel doethn' thee why Not-Thayel-thama careth tho muth. If he ithn' Thayel-thama, then he thouldn'!!!

Arrancar are not bathionth of evil!! Thinigami are!!


octava_espada December 1 2007, 11:25:41 UTC
Because I have been mistaken for an Arrancar! They are the enemies of all konpaku... predators to be feared and hated! Is that not a good enough reason?

...no. That's wrong.


[Voice Post] thirdethpada December 2 2007, 07:05:07 UTC
Not-Thayel-thama can thay what he wantth, but it'th not Nel'th fault he lookth like an Arrancar! Nel ith thtill thuthpithiouth, but Nel thinkth he'th mean tho Nel ith DONE!


bangsarein December 1 2007, 06:35:16 UTC
He or she is just a child, Ogata-san. This child could have mistaken you for someone else.


octava_espada December 1 2007, 08:23:06 UTC
It seems that is the case...


bangsarein December 2 2007, 06:51:32 UTC
You seemed quite frustrated by it? I'm sorry for intruding.


octava_espada December 2 2007, 06:54:01 UTC
Oh, no, please, do not apologize! It is a bit vexing, yes, but... I suppose I should just ignore her... Her interest in besmirching my character should fade quickly...


bangsarein December 2 2007, 07:00:41 UTC
Hopefully she didn't cause you too much discomfort.


octava_espada December 2 2007, 07:01:52 UTC
Nothing I won't get over, I assure you...


bigswordsrsweet December 1 2007, 06:42:00 UTC
Just...who does she think you are?

And calm down. Even if she did mistake you for someone else, she's just a kid. It's not her fault.


octava_espada December 1 2007, 08:24:08 UTC
An Arrancar... like herself, I believe.

I suppose not. I still find it vexing, that she insists this to others.


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