Apr 13, 2010 19:31
I'm really angry and upset right now. Ash (stupidly) let the job centre know that he's now living with me, which obviously led to questions about whether I work, so he said I work full time but I'm self-employed and don't really earn much money. The job centre said it doesn't matter how much I earn, but because I work full time he's no longer entitled to benefits.
I was a bit pissed off, until I worked it all out. Basically, I take £500 / month (that's if I'm lucky, I've taken a lot less than that so far this year) which is pretty shit, especially considering I'm lucky if I work 40 hours a week, I've had a few weeks where I've worked 60+. Take out of that rent, bills and council tax for the both of us, and the grand total left for me and Ash to spend on food, mobile and anything else (like you know, a life)... is £30 A MONTH. BETWEEN US. THAT'S ROUGHLY £6 A WEEK BETWEEN US. Sorry mate, but no can do.
So now I'm livid. HOW they expect me to fund him when I already scrape the barrel supporting myself is actually beyond me.
They said I could apply for working tax credits, and please do correct me if I'm wrong because I would LOVE to claim them, but I can't because you have to be over 25 unless you're disabled or have a kid. So fuck them and their lousy advice!
Ash is applying for housing benefit now, I hope to God he gets it or I guess we can't afford to live.