Dear Festividder

Oct 24, 2015 10:02

Dear Festividder,

Thank you for vidding for me! I'm glad we matched on one of the below fandoms, because I'm excited to get a vid of any one of them. As far as music, I can offer you no guidance, but I can promise you that I'll like whatever music you choose. I'm not picky at all, and I think every one of these fandoms would go well with a wide range of musical styles. Especially Hieronymus Bosch -- are those paintings choral, country, metal, Lady Gaga? Who can say? Only you.

* The Hazards of Helen (1914-17)

Two incredible stunt women from the dawn of film history made this film series a must-see, and will make your vid a must-see as well.

* Hieronymus Bosch, paintings of

Go crazy, go experimental, go Hieronymus Bosch and his many imitators. (When it comes to ye olde painters I'm not picky about attribution.) I don't know how you intend to vid this, but I'm interested to see the result. The important part is to have fun with it.

* MacGyver (1985-1992)

Unassuming dork saves the day with science every time! I've been hoping for a vid of him for a long time. Could this be the year?

* Night Watch (2004) & Day Watch (2006)

I've written about this fandom in past festivids letters, but in summary, these movies are cool, creepy, gorgeous, badass, scary, silly, and generally fun. Highlight any or all of these aspects and I'll be happy.

* RPF - Ian McKellan/Patrick Stewart

I fell in love with them in the X-Men movies, and they've continued to be adorable and funny together ever since in performances and interviews and twitter pictures.

* They Live (1988)

Wrestler Roddy Piper (RIP) stars as an itinerant construction worker who finds a pair of sunglasses that reveal the lies behind modern capitalist society -- it's a fiendish plot by space aliens! He and his best friend argue about it by punching each other in the face for 10 minutes. It's that kind of a movie.

* Zombie Strippers! (2008)

Look, it's all there in the title. Zombies. Strippers. Strippers who are zombies.

Happy festividding!

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movies: hazards of helen, festivids: dear festividder, movies: night watch, movies: they live, movies: zombie strippers, tv: macgyver, festivids

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