Everyone should post their ten most CRUCIAL CRUCIAL CRUCIAL-ASS movies, like the movies that explain everything about yourselves in your current incarnations (not necessarily your ten favorite movies but the ten movies that you, as a person existing currently, feel would help people get to know you) (they can change later on obviously).
The problem is, I'm not sure movies are the best choice to explain me. I think the best cultural artifacts to explain me would be a mixture of books, comics, television, and
a few choice ads. But for movies, because it's a challenge:
1,2,3: Original Star Wars Trilogy. I mean, forget me, how do you understand anything if you haven't seen Star Wars?
4. Fantasia. This is how I relate to music. This was the first -- and, for a long time, only -- video my parents ever owned. It's the reason they bought a TV and VCR. (They said until then they considered the cat to be the home entertainment system, which also explains quite a lot about me.) My brother and I named every animation sequence and sub-sequence and sub-sub-sequence in it so we could have a common language for talking about it. (We never liked the Mickey Mouse segment; it didn't exercise our imagination enough.)
5. Flying Down to Rio. If you don't think of
Astaire & Rogers dance numbers,
fun music, terrible cheesy jokes, or
improbable, parachute-assisted high-altitude strip acts when you think of classic movies, you probably relate to classic movies in a different way than I do.
6. A Night at the Opera.
Nobody saw that coming, did they? I would be shocked if how I talk weren't influenced by the Marx Brothers' fast paced, free-associative patter. It was hard to choose just one Marx Brothers movie, of course.
The line I quote the most comes from Animal Crackers, also the origin of "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know."
7. Clue. I mean, maybe it's Groucho's fault, maybe it's Tim Curry's fault. Don't ask me; I was out at the movies all night...
8. I'm sure
A Koppányi Aga Testamentuma explains something about me. Once upon a time it explained why I carried a wooden sword with me everywhere. Later, it explained why I was on the fencing team. These days, I'm not sure what it explains about me, other than how frequently I give in to the temptation to get off my bike before it comes to a complete stop. (There's a connection, if you've seen the movie a million times and can pinpoint that one scene.)
9. Night Watch (2004). To know me is to know my love for involved SFF and my love for ridiculous action, so this is a twofer.
Fantastic Planet. This lives deep inside my psyche. I hope that explains something.
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