Dear Festividder

Oct 14, 2012 00:01

Dear Festividder,

I am thrilled that you want to vid one of these fandoms! However you do it will be great -- I have no squicks, and optional details are optional. But if you want to read some gushing about these fandoms and why I like them, read on:

Cleopatra 2525
To explain this, let me start by showing you the opening sequence. ...Yeah. This campy yet earnest show was made in 2000-2001 (boy, was it ever) by the people responsible for Xena and Hercules, so you know from the outset that you are going to get women kicking ass and being friends and going about in fantastical BDSM-inspired outfits. Episodes I remember best include the Christmas episode with the Macarena, the episode with the explosive baby, and the villain with the clown/metal facepaint. The plots really, really don't matter. Anything you could vid about this ridiculous show would tickle the crap out of me. I ship Hel/Cleo and Sarge/any-scantily-dressed-man or -robot of her choice, but you don't have to. I imagine this would vid best to trashy girlbands.

Starring Nicholas Cage and John Travolta as each other. This is a movie that some people on YouTube seem to be convinced is a tense thriller. I have no idea where they got that idea. From the opening sequence with the computer hacking(?) and the nuns and the boombox, this is one of the cheesiest movies ever made. Can you really resist vidding Nicholas Cage's "face" gesture? Or that scene with the doves and the church and the bloodbath?

A koppányi aga testamentuma [SAFETY]
(aka "The Last Will and Testament of the Aga of Koppany")
You probably haven't heard of this classic Hungarian swashbuckler, but if you are looking for award-winning sword choreography with dashing heroes and fake Turks in funny hats, this is the film for you. It's all up on YouTube, and I'm working on providing English subtitles. But the visuals stand on their own, IMO (hey, I don't speak Hungarian either). Did I mention that you get 1970s version of medieval costuming? Favourite. Movie. Ever. My favourite character is a tie between badass Lady Sara and goofy Captain Babocsai (see icon), though her dashing son Laszlo is quite a heartthrob too. When I think about music and this movie, I get the theme song stuck in my head, so I've got no suggestions. Maybe something 70s? Or something medieval?

Where some secret agents save the day with charm, insouciance, and firepower, MacGyver saves the day with SCIENCE (and aw-shucks-itude). He eternally has my love for that. An action vid would be great. Humor would work too (it was the eighties, all mullets and smarmy bad guys with evil moustaches). It's an episodic show, so you don't have to watch more than an episode or two to get all the context you need. My favourite character other than MacGyver is Penny Parker, whom you may know as Lois from Lois & Clark. She was introduced as a love interest for MacGyver, but they quickly realized that that wasn't happening and she morphed into something of a little sister figure to MacGyver. The only song I can think of offhand to vid this show to is "I am a Scientist". Too obvious? Maybe rap would work...

Night Watch series [POTENTIAL SAFETY*]
*This is listed on the sign-up as the whole series (i.e., both Night Watch and Day Watch), but if you want to vid just the first film, that's fine too.
I'd love a vid that captured the atmosphere of a world where dolls crawl on spider legs, vodka mixes with pig's blood, and Byzantine curses whirl in silent vortices around passengers on subway trains. But there are many ways to go -- for instance, cheesy would also be an appropriate way to vid movies where cars screech up the sides of skyscrapers, showers turn into romantic waterfalls, and the ultimate battle of light vs. dark is practiced via video game. The second movie features an f/f relationship thanks to bodyswap, by the way, and I think there's a canonical gay vampire.

I love this show. It's funny and suspenseful and gleeful and often painfully facepalm-inducing on behalf of the characters. I love Britt and Hank's brotherly relationship, and the way Britt looks up to Hank and goes to him for advice even though Hank is the last person whose judgement you should trust. And I like that the show acknowledges this, and Hank acknowledges this, and points out that he's still a step up from the guys Britt used to run with. Another aspect of the show I love is the relationship between Hank and Marcus. Marcus knows full well what a walking disaster zone Hank is, and still can't resist doing his old partner favours. I also love Steph and her relationships with people (she hates Gretchen's new fiancé like a good sister, but manages to make friends with absolutely everyone else). I also like Katie -- who also goes to Hank for life advice, oh honey. I of course also dig the plots and the scenery; I think this would be a pretty show to vid. Music -- maybe country? If anyone's got troubles he should have seen coming, Hank does.

...That's it for suggestions. None of my musical suggestions are anything but the wild flailings of someone who's not very good at coming up with vidsongs, so don't feel constrained by them. Just have fun; I will love your vid for certain.

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movies: face/off, tv: cleopatra 2525, movies: night watch, tv: terriers, movies: koppanyi aga testamentuma, tv: macgyver, festivids

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