OMG, I'm in...

Aug 24, 2015 12:01

Oh good gods... LJ is open to me again. But only from this particular computer because I can't remember the password and you need to know the password to change the password and when I've requested an override from other computers, the emails never arrive...

I had a call from a friend this morning, just after 7am. It her kids' first day of school, the one who may still be recovering from surgery just threw up and she's a wreck. She just wanted them to have a good first day of (pre)school -- a normal day. Why can't she have a "normal" day?!

I kept my chin up and squared into sympathetic friend who finally moves from sympathy to "ok, M will go to school if you present the confidence that he can and should. And he'll have his won first day, and tomorrow, C will go to school (as long as it's still the virus the docs think it is and not anything more) and C will have his very own first day. And they'll get to be there for each other anyways, because M will pave the way and let C know what's going to happen. One step at a time."

A normal day? Normal? We all have our own normal. My day starts when I leave before my kids are anywhere near getting up and I get back to them at 5pm. This allows us to pay the mortgage and have health insurance. On weekends, the day starts with braced shoes coming off the one who won't have a second front tooth until after the surgery when she's 8 to move a bone chip from most likely her hip into her mouth to hold the adult tooth in place, and probably won't need surgery to correct how she stands and walks, but will likely drag her foot when she's tired for some if not all of her life. Who giggles madly when you pretend to eat her hands. And then we take the brace off the one who goes for her next appointment to see if her femur is actually calcifying properly in the hip socket a year from the 11-day stint in traction after we discovered at 8 months old that she had displaysia. After the diaper is changed, that brace goes back on, and she's stands, dances, cruises and moves around pushing a toy, a box, whatever, just like her sister.

No, my kids haven't had their first day of school. But I get monkey wrenches being thrown into plans. I remember the heart break in May when I found that the x-rays were not allowing the brace to come off completely. I dug out her old carseat, brought it with us to the doctor's like they tell you, and sat in the car afterwards and cried, my baby in the back in the carseat with no sides so that her brace would fit -- which was a blessing, considering the other option was to travel by ambulance everywhere, from Thanksgiving, on.

Gods. I am a wreck. I'm mostly ok, but calling the doc again today. I just... really needed this link to open to me today. And it did.
See? No rain, no rainbows.
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