When I was young, my friends and I stole our food. At home in Seireitei, my meals were prepared for me either by Nii-sama's servants or in the mess hall of Division 13. In Karakura, Ichigo snuck me meals in his room. Here, we generally have to fend for ourselves, as things can only be described as organized chaos. There is a small kitchen in Captain Unohana's clinic which I have been making use of. I have been trying to learn how to cook for myself, and will be keeping notes on my progress.
Note #1: scorched noodles are quite disgusting.
Private // hackable with effort
Ichigo is here now. It was incredibly relieving to see him whole and not bleeding. He was pulled from about the same time that I was, too, so he was able to update me on circumstances in Hueco Mundo. Something about Nell growing to a large size and being an espada. Strange. he reminded me, though, of what I discovered and did before I came here, and I have to admit it has me shaken up. I guess I'd attempted to put it at the back of my mind when faced with the crisis of coming here, but now that things are settling into a routine...
Kaien-dono, I hope you would not be ashamed of me.