Aug 08, 2006 12:42
I am writing to you right now because I would like to express my general unhappiness partially caused by this course. I would like to tell you that throughout the entire course there was an overly obvious bias shown on your part. By the time I was finished with the course I could obviously tell what your stance on almost every subject mentioned throughout the course was and, honestly, I actually think that through just this course I can tell of exactly what faith you are of. A bias this strong is a sign of a bad teacher. Bias should never be shown in a lesson - ever.
First off, I noticed that you liked to quote and mention George W. Bush quite a lot throughout the course. This brings up the question, don’t you think that there’s a more credible source than GW? Why would you quote GW in a HEALTH class when he is the same man that vetoed a bill that could’ve helped come up with cures for many currently cureless diseases, thus saving the lives of at least hundreds of people? Why would you quote GW in a HEALTH class when he is the same man that is currently ignoring many HEALTH issues in the world, such as Global Warming and the AIDS crisis in Africa? I think that you would’ve been better off quoting Hitler. Also, asking a question in which the answer is “George W. Bush,” in my opinion, shouldn’t be acceptable.
Also, I noticed that you talked WAY more about abstinence than you did about birth control options. I know that you feel as if abstinence is the better way, but not all of us do. And for those of us who are of opposing view points from yourself, you should give us a chance a little bigger than having abstinence talked about at least twice as much as birth control and then in your ramblings making people who do choose to have sex seem like less of people. Throughout your entire human sexuality lesson you sat there on your computer belittling those teenagers who choose to have sex, making them seem like they’re less of people. Just because we might hold different opinions from you doesn’t mean that we’re stupid, honey.
Thirdly, you showed a HUGE bias regarding unconventional medicines, most of which were shown in your list of how to avoid medical scam. For example, number four, “Many psuedo-practitioners say they will help your body return to unity with nature…” Are you just dissing hippies now? Are you seriously so caught up in your synthetic medicine bullshit that you have completely forgotten what nature is? Are you honestly sitting at your little piece of technology, your beloved computer, in the middle of Nowhere, Utah, forgetting all about the miracles of nature?
Again your bias was shown regarding unconventional medicines in number five when you said, “scamming practitioners claim that medical business, drug companies, and the government are seeking to conceal the methods the practitioner is selling…” And exactly who are you to say that they’re not?
Once more you showed your bias with pride when you said, “The United States is just as concerned about their own citizens as they are about people in the rest of the world.” Did you just make that up? Did you think that that was funny? Was there some sort of joke that I missed? Since when has the United States cared at all about someone beside themselves? Since when have we even thought about caring about anyone else in the rest of the world? We are sitting high in our diamond-incrusted thrones looking down upon the poor, and every so often, if we’re feeling greedier that usual, we’ll drop a bomb on them. We’ll slaughter them. We’ll watch them starve. Since when is that caring? Since when is caring ignoring the AIDS crisis in Africa? Since when is caring slaughtering the innocent? Since when is caring continuing to mass-produce monsters like the Hummer when we know that we’re ruining our only Earth?
Excuse me, ma’am, but classes like this are not classes that I ever want to be a part of again. Honestly, ma’am, I don’t want anyone else to have to go through another class like this ever again, either.
Reply to this letter with your conservative rebutle.
Change your course material, and take away your bias.
But, in your rebutle, do what you tried to teach me:
Don’t lose your temper.
I hate that woman.