(no subject)

Jul 07, 2005 10:06

well, the summer i had hoped for at the Y isn't exactly going well. whatever. not getting into it.

but after rehersal for 'HAIR' yesterday (august 12th-14th at the Masonic temple near Movie Works), me and Lauren decided not to go out, but first get some ice cream from Mcdonald's to heal our throats...so we had to go to the one in Beverly, because the one on in danvers has A BROKEN MCFLURRY MACHINE...how depressing is that? anyway, we got there, and got our mcflurry's (which was kinf od funny because the guy accidentally punched in 20 Mcflurries instead of 2, and our total was $75 instead of $4) but we passed a sign that said "deaf school", and all i could think of was that lame joke "what can jump higher than a house?", and its true, aren't all school's deaf? last time i checked, a building couldn't hear, and if our school can hear, we better go tell it some nice things because it usually hears about what a piece of crap it is and how it will be demolished when we actually get a new one. so, i decided i should change that sign so it reads "Deaf CHILDREN school"...or something along those lines...anyway, all these thoughts prove how derranged i really am...but i was really tired last night, so you can't blame me too much.

next week, i'm going away to worcester for 6 days to play with poor children for my church group. maybe i'm just a selifsh bitch, but i'm not looking forward to it...plus i hear the food sucks, so i'm packing a ton of food to eat in the room i will be sharing with Jenna and Alicia.

maybe it won't be so bad, right?
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