So i watched this movie called Office Space. And it kind of changed my point of view on life. It's point of view a very good one. You should only care about the things that are souly important. And when i say care, i dont mean full on. I mean care about it just as much as you need to, not anymore, and not any less. Since then i dont really care about anything at all.
The people around me that are acting retarded, I'm starting to just give a fuck less. I don't care that I'm letting go of a friend because she dont seem to care anyways. And she's not really giving me a reason to care. She show's no reason, i wont show a reason.
Things are finally looking up. Somone is actually caring for me. She cares what i say, and she cares what i do. I havn't been this happy in months. I'm feeling things that I've wanted to feel for so long. I don't know the reason for me being unhappy, other than the fact that i wasn't being apreciated the way i should have been. I'll forgive, and I'll forget.
Hate me, hurt me, ignore me,delete me, do anything. I dont care. I'm still gonna be happy. I still have Adrianne. I'm still happy. I'm still smiling.