Title: Where Is Your Boy Tonight? [standalone]
minus_fourRating: PG-13
Pairing: Gabe/Nate, past Gabe/William
POV: 3rd
Summary: “Are you okay?” Nate asks, except he’s not asking. He’s just giving Gabe the opportunity to talk, though it’s pretty unlikely he’ll take it seeing as Gabe’s barely spoken to any of his band mates about anything over the past few days, let alone about William or what he’d done, except the bare minimum.
Disclaimer: This didn't happen. Or at least I hope it didn't, because sad!Gabe makes me sad.
Author Notes: This started out as a being a drabble for
saykendrawithme for her trick or treat, then I hit 3000 words and Idk what happened lol.
"I didn't really think about... seeing him."