Mar 05, 2009 13:06
Name: Lena
Age: 23
Location: Canada
Height: 5'8
Highest Weight: 145 (teenage yoyoing)
Current Weight: 108
Goal Weight: 102
The title ThinPositive really attracted me into taking a look here. I'm not sure where I fit in. To be honest, I have had bouts of anorexia when I was younger coming from the awkwardness I felt as a child in Asia and then moving to North America... it was pervasive throughout my teenage years, until I went off to college where I fell in love.
Love made me crazy enough to lose a lot of my inhibitions when it came to food... that and the fact that the man I fell in love with was a beam of positivity and understanding, not just of me, but of others. I never told him about my eating disorder, I didn't need to, I learned most of my lessons through my own observation. His curiosity and his unrivaled belief that anything done out of negativity will result in more pain and hardship was shocking to me at the time. He made me realize that I had never forgiven myself.... and that it was because there was nothing to forgive in the first place. It sounds very new-agey, but its hard to summarize half a decade with a few short paragraphs.
I'm still not quite sure whether this place can welcome someone like me, but I'd love to see if anyone shares similar experiences.
I have been on an ongoing diet for close to an year now. I have had a few bad days but for the most part, I have stayed on path, and although slow, and arduous, I've gotten most of what I wanted, and am now down to the last 6 pounds. I guess, besides wanting to look good, I really wanted to prove to myself that I could change the negative associations I have had with the word "diet" and "food" that I've had for most of my life. And, I am pretty happy at the moment, as I feel that I've accomplished that, and almost as if it was a divine bonus for doing it the right way, I've lost more weight than I had ever intended to in the beginning.
My new goal weight of 102, is completely for vanity's sake ;)