first time..

Oct 13, 2008 23:01

This community, im new. Im not sure if it about being as skinny as possible, about reaching a potential weight/size, or about getting where you want to be and staying happy at that point.

For me I see it as a place where you strive to be against the norm, such as more of America where I live that is dependent on McDonalds and not caring about their size.

It seems that its mostly girls here which is what I would come to think it should be since they are the most concerned with weight.

Today I ran 3miles, hard, first time running in a year. Felt good.

Worked out arms/chest/stomach afterwards.

Im not sure if it is the way I was brought up, but all I ate today was two bagels and some beans, lots of water. I do not seem to need food as much as other people around me, I am content and do not go hungry off a low caloric intake.

So everyone please guide me/ let me know what you think.

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