In which Lizzy is in love with a politician...

Oct 25, 2012 17:44

And damned unapologetic about it!

A while ago, I posted about Justin Trudeau, the great shining light of the Canadian Liberal party. And I was rather shallow about it, choosing to dwell on the fact that he... well... he looks like this:

Dude, seriously. You're a politician in your forties. How is this even possible?

But my sense of civic responsibility kicked in, and so I decided to find out a little something about my new wank-fantasy *ahem* FUTURE PRIME MINISTER.

And holy shit.

This man called Peter Kent a "piece of shit" in the middle of the House of Commons after he (Kent) told a lie slandering an opposition party member. Seriously, he just called out "you piece of shit" right in the middle of question period. And while I'm sure there are loads of people who clutched their pearls and decided to vote Tory in that very moment, for others it was like a PSA that finally we have a MP who will not and does not tolerate dishonesty, speak in political tongues or hide the truth from Canadians. And wow, do we need that!

Not convinced yet?

Trudeau stood up for trans people, calling out a new policy that states that passengers will not be allowed to board an airplane if their appearance doesn't match the gender listed on their passport. He called it a "direct affront to the transsexual and transgender community" and "just wrong". It was a beautiful, brave move.

All those photos of him on the web topless and in boxing shorts? Those are from when he boxed a Tory senator in order to raise money for the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. The match was Trudeau's idea; he posted on twitter for ages looking for a Tory opponent for a charity fight. They ended up raising $230000 dollars!

Oh, and he won.

He's a fierce defender of the environment and has sworn to forbid drilling in Northern Canada unless the drillers can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that they have the capability to clean up an oil spill under arctic ice. Since that's more or less impossible at the moment, drilling will not happen until it becomes possible. Earth over oil is such an uncommon choice among politicians that I actually checked four separate sources on this to make sure I had it right.

I... think this is what national pride might feel like. Been a while. Hope it sticks around.

And once again, because I'm shallow, there's this:
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