*hard swallow* Here goes!

May 30, 2011 04:54

Hi all:

I posted a while ago about the possibility of running a rare pairs exchange for SPN fic and art. At the time, I wasn't sure I could do it, what with the baby coming and all. But th lovely peachpai has volunteered to help me, so spnraritiesfest is a go!

I'd like to formally invite all of you to join the comm. Naturally, I'd love it (SO MUCH) if you signed up to take part, but that's not necessary. Readers are equally important to a successful fest and are more than welcome as members. I know there are a few Cas/Meg and Sam/Gabriel folks on my flist, and I even think I've got an Adam/Gabriel shipper (loooove that idea so much!). So if you've been itching to write, draw or read Ellen/Mary, Bobby/Rufus, or Dean/hot hippie chick Robo!Sam scored with, now's your chance!

If you're interested, I'd love it if you took one of the pimping banners to post at your own journal or any comms (with permission) that might be interested. We're trying to reach a really wide audience with this, so the help would be greatly appreciated!

click to sign up!

click to sign up!

click to sign up!

click to sign up!

spn, fest

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