
Nov 22, 2006 19:20

You'd have at least thought with working at the Ministry they'd have given us some kind of warning and now... looks like I was the last to see the Prophet too.

I can't even write what I want to in this damn thing either.

Am I right in thinking that tagging people is what muggles do though? I know it's not the same but still!


seamus, journal entry, severus, arthur, remus

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Private to 'Dora m4moony November 23 2006, 21:43:24 UTC
So many people? I see a lot of people whinging in public journal entries and not so many actually doing a damned thing about it, 'Dora. You work at the Ministry, you have your hands tied to a certain degree if you wish to continue your employment. I don't mean you.

But, I've seen numerous statements from those in the public the Ministry claims to support -- Oh how terrible! I can't believe they'd do something like this. And yet, has a one of them taken the first step to argue against it? Has a one of those people who's said 'Hey, somebody should do something' stepped up to be that someone?

I can stand on the steps of the Ministry and scream until my face turns blue and none of it will ever matter because to them, I am less than human. We're not even given a choice in our adornments, as Severus so delicately calls them. Lucius Malfoy can pick out a nice bloody black silk band for his wrist to match whatever expensive watch he happens to be wearing today. But, we're to be collared exactly like the animals the Ministry thinks we are.

And this supposed 'appeals process'? For gods' sake, our poor Mandy has barely come out of her room since she was turned, let alone set out on a life of crime! And for that she is placed on this Registry and treated like a stray puppy that tried to lick the Master's ankle. How on earth do you make an appeal for existing?

You may not see us as animals, 'Dora. But that is precisely how the Ministry sees us.

I should probably warn you now, as my 'official Auror', that I will not be collared until the very last moment it is legal to do so and I will not be quiescent about the indignity.

-- RJL


Private to Remus thinktanktonks November 24 2006, 17:38:48 UTC
The Ministry need to open their god damn eyes then, Remus!

Honestly, in times like these you'd have at least thought- I don't know, am I naive to have been surprised by this? I can't see sense in things, the trouble it has caused and all so they can free up staff. The supposed benifits that these collars are supposed to bring are getting missed because nobody wants them when they're being tagged like that.

I want to say I understand. I'm angry about this but I don't understand it, not properly, Remus. Do you think they're going to have the Auror's- do you suppose they're going to have us put those things on aren't they?

I don't want to do that, I don't think I could.


Private to 'Dora m4moony November 25 2006, 20:53:52 UTC
You're preaching to the choir, 'Dora. But let's be honest, even if the entire Registry were to be repealed, there's still the older Werewolf Registry. The 'humans' may have eventual hope of regaining their rights, but us?

You're not naive; you're opimistic, hoping for the best in all things. And, there is no sense in this, no benefits. The sad truth of the matter is, Voldemort offered more freedom to the werewolves than the Ministry is offering even it's own people. Sure, they were false promises, but right now, they look pretty good by comparison. How does it look when the few werewolves even on the blasted registry are those who fought against Voldemort? Greyback's true followers have long since fled the country, leaving only those who have hidden from wizarding society and those who fought to preserve it behind.

Lovely message, that.

I wish I could say I thought you were going to have to be the one to collar me. I could almost accept it if I knew the person doing it wanted it as little as I did. But no, from what I have gathered, we're to report to our Aurors, but will need to go to the Ministry directly to receive their little trinkets. I'd almost guarantee it will be someone well within the "party line" and most likely with a couple WCU goons on call should the 'animals' put up a fuss.

-- RJL


Private to Remus thinktanktonks November 25 2006, 22:23:42 UTC
I'm sorry, I know. I just wish there was something I could say, something I could do even, something that could help. I can't though. I'm struggling talking to you guys about this, I feel like I'm feeding you false comfort because of my position. It's a million miles from false though Remus, but what's the point in expressing my feelings on the matter when it's not going to help the situation.

See, just talking about this is aggravating me, seeing you write about this like- saying- that what he had to offer was better. You're bang on the point of course but reading it in your handwriting just brings it home loud and clear. I hadn't though of things that way until now.

Must you call it a trinket? You're as bad as Severus with his nicknames for those things.

I worry about you, Remus, about all of you. Severus mentioned Mandy had taken the news particuarly badly. If there's anything I can do, anything at all, owl me. Okay?


Private to 'Dora m4moony November 26 2006, 06:00:14 UTC
'Dora, it does help, your talking about it with me. It may not sound it the way I've been railing at you. But it does help to be reminding there are decent people in the Ministry who feel as outraged as those of us who have to be shackled this way.

I don't like where my own thoughts have taken a turn, but it's true. I'd still fight with Harry if I had to do it all over again. That hasn't changed. But, I can't honestly say that I don't understand how some of the others could choose Voldemort's promises of freedom and a better world for werewolves, when the Ministry is willing to sell out those who fought on the same side -- all in the name of easing their own consciences over the results of their earlier inactions at the start of the war.

It's all knee-jerk reaction. Albus and Harry were right all along when Voldemort came back and the Ministry was made to look a fool. They've been over-compensating ever since, despite letting Harry and the Order do their dirty work for them in the end.

I guess I've been spending too much time with Severus if his mode of speech is rubbing off on me already. Although, I sometimes think if we don't cover it with humor and sarcasm, the reality of being treated like so much chattle may just drive me 'round the bend. Nor can I really blame Severus. When you think of what he did for this society, what he sacrificed to get Harry the information needed, to be treated like one of the criminals he helped bring down is an insult -- especially when they hand him a damned collar with the same hands they gave him an Order of Merlin with six months ago.

As for Mandy, I don't know. I think I feel the worst for her of all of us. She hasn't even been a werewolf a full year yet. She'd barely been through two full moons before the war was over. Though of the pack, she had no real part in the war. The sole reason she's on the Registry at all is because the Ministry paints fear of what it doesn't understand with a wide brush. I wish I knew what could be done for, for any of us.

I just don't know any more.

Thank you, 'Dora. We haven't spoken much of late, but your friendship still means a lot to me, and to the pack, but to me personally. If I think of anything, I'll let you know.

-- RJL


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