New Year New You? No Way!

Dec 31, 2019 18:38

Facebook is full of all the New Year New you posts and to that I say NO WAY!  I like who I am.  I’m not perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination.  Are there things I can improve upon in my life?  Absolutely.  I need to lose weight, I need to stop procrastinating and a myriad of of things.  But those are habits that I need to change.  I don’t need to change who I am at my core and neither do you -unless you WANT to.  It’s a choice you need to make for you, and nobody else can make it for you and they shouldn’t talk you in to making changes you don’t want to make.

Don’t get caught up in the you have to weigh this much, or wear these clothes or belong to this group.  You do you because you are wonderful.  Another super important thing to remember is if you do want to do something different in your life, you can start right now.  You don’t have to wait until next Monday or next month, or in the case of tomorrow, next year.  You start when you are ready.

I’m not making resolutions this year.  I’m celebrating great things to be excited about that will be happening this year, like the end of a school year with several of my seniors graduating.  I’m celebrating the fact that my son is going to be traveling to another country to perform, and that my daughter will be receiving her M.Ed and that I have several for fun classes that I’m thinking of taking.

So don’t change anything unless you want to, don’t make resolutions, celebrate great things you know are coming….way better than resolutions in my opinion, but if feel the need to make a resolution, resolve to be happy, be positive and love yourself.  Happy New Year and have an amazing 2020

Originally published at Think Positive 30. You can comment here or there.

daily posiitve thought, new year, being grateful, thinking positve, resolutions

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