Mar 13, 2007 17:40
this night could not be going any slower at all. i am at work, by myself, just watching the minutes tick by. i've already checked my email. twice. i sulked around facebook for a while. i've cleaned the entire front desk and i've answered the phone more times than i can count. and it's still only 5:41. i've been here for two hours and haven't had a single check-in or anything else that involves real human interaction.
the glow of the computer screen is only comforting for so long.
i'd write more, except i have nothing left to say. even though i could write down all the stories about the freaks and geeks i've encountered here. that would be enough to fill a book. all those stories and yet the only thing i really want the world to know is thank god that ryan is gone. i've never felt so hateful towards anyone and i mean anyone. i think, for once, telling him to just go f**k himself was the best thing, the most liberating experience i've had in a very very long time.
and yes, i may not be in school, i may be working at some no-thought-required job, i may sleep until noon every day and not even be trying to make plans for the future. but i am writing.
at least i know that maybe, just maybe, this all will amount to something.
and for that, dears, i love you all. honestly.