Jul 13, 2006 13:19
I stayed up last night and decided to watch a bunch of movies and then didn't go to sleep until really really really late then I woke up and had a fucking migraine again. I swear I am going to kill the fucking parrot. Whoever thought that having that damn bird as a pet was retarted. I screams so loud there is no possible way to block it out. Plus my rooom is directly above the stupid thing os that doesn't help.
So finally I for back to sleep somehow. Then I just woke up to the damn maids vacuuming outside of my room. Plus I think I'm allergic to whatever they are cleaning with because I can't stop sneezing.
This is going to be a great day. I can tell already.
I have work in 2 1/2 hours and I'm starving but I can't leave my room because the damn maids are everywhere. If they don't leave soon I'm going to explode.
I want to go to sleep and never wake up.