Nov 15, 2005 13:52
Soo,Im about to leave for Steves..but I feel obligated to update because Im waiting for my mom and Im bored.
But im sorta bummed because I thought I was gonna beable to have off till Monday..But I go tomorrow..because they said I was too cool.Lol.Thats what they said.
But oh well...Ill live fo sho.
Guess what?! I MISS ASHLEY SIMMONS X'S 19283749294765 and much more.
I miss her coming over to my house and eating subs and ice cream sundays,I miss throwing banana peels and pudding wrappers down at people from the hotel balcony,I miss the boardwalk with her,I miss the long conversations we always had,I miss talking to the dip'n'dots guy with her,I miss Jimmy Rockets,I miss walking halfway back to our hotel and then turning around and walking all the way baclk to the boardwalk with her just to buy giant lolli pops and taffy when we were already late,I miss playing arcade games with and stealing peoples coins out of the slot machines lol,I miss winning cheap prizes with her.God..I just really miss that girl.COME HOME ASHLEY!<33