Dec 19, 2004 20:23
so today is my BIRTHDAY! i wasn't 17 until 8:30 tonight. Today sandie called me at 8:15 and woke me up to say happy birthday. that was sweet. then she came over to give me my present....thongs. haha exciting. then josh called and said happy birthday and i feel bad cause the car he looked at was a piece of shit. but he took me out to dinner tonight, then on the way home it was a fuckin blizzard and i was really nervous driving but everythings okay...but his mom got stuck driving up a hill.
so about friday! it was great. lauren and monique showed up at my house after i was done work, and monique had balloons for me and what not. it was cute. then we went to landis' to get some cake supplies. we got chels and went over to katies. we got pizza and started the cake and took some crazy pics, i cant wait to get them developed. all that was there was, me katie carri monique em lauren and chels. it was so fun, i'm so glad we all hung out. thanks girlies...great 17th birthday.
and i got my head unit all up in my car now, thats exciting. and hopefully we'll have a 2 hour delay tomorrow. wear your pj's inside out ;)