That's what I'm saying man! Until this Friday I can technically still eat them, but that's not why I bought them from the store today. No silly, it was because they are colorful. Last night this girl asked me to vote for this council thing in the dorm, and so she didn't get vp she got pres, and I got secretary. Bizarre, huh? I went to vote and came out a leader! Yeah that's because I got them nasty skills and people just RECONIZE! I know there's a g in there but thats not how the people with attitude say it! So anyway, today was an ordinary day. Well not really, because I went to Oceanography and I don't know why. I also found out that my polisci teacher is giving us a walk on next monday due to jury duty. Nice! And, my math quiz thats electronic and I thought was due today, was actually due yesterday. I'm just takin it up the butt! Man oh man. Went to class, actually studied and did notes, and then came home and listened to this story about how the whole 4th floor at Mosher supposedly has had a herpes outbreak. Interesting I know! Then I ate dinner with Steph and came back here to study. Nine o'clock rolls around, and Steph tricks me into going to the Rec with her. She's like, just come keep me company. Could she not wait 3 more days? Until my bday? That's when we are supposed to be in this "Steph's a trainer" mode. Gimme a break! Man a kit kat sounds good. But I'm just eating these silly ole Trix after a work out. OH, and I saw Leigh Ann Brown up here at the Rec. Cool beans...speaking of beans, I can't believe that I'm actually promoting this terrible thing, but if you are a sick little kid you should go here, it's filthy. that's it for this day...until next time...think positive thoughts. If you think you can fly, you really can! Peace!