(no subject)

Nov 05, 2006 01:00


At Will's house, we decided to watch "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari", public domain on jonhs.net (whatever that site was). The music on this particular rendition, though, was kind of bad, so , we decided to substitute our own.  We took the longest two tracks in Will's library, the fourth movement, finale, from Beethoven's 9th, and a rendition of Dazed and Confused. It worked incredibly well. We were sure it had to be some kind of Dark-Side-of-Oz kind of thing -- DUDE, BEETHOVEN HAD TO WATCHING THIS MOVIE WHEN HE MADE THIS SONG -- but then again, there were psychoactive chemicals involved during the weekend.

With a couple of exceptions, socially interacting at Fiddler on the Roof was incredibly awkward. I'm becoming a little bit of that guy who visits his high school all the time. I didn't even have much of a life while I was there, why should there be anything now? I need to get a little better at the whole social game, pretending I like people, and convincing them I'm worth the same pretense from them.
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