Title: One for Me
thinkingfoodRating: G
Pairing/Focus: Jongkey
Summary: Jonghyun was always seen the friend not a lover, but when Key gets his heart broken Jong is there is recollect the pieces, this is his day to show Key his love
Special thanks to
twinklespink who let me steal the line about the english teacher, isn't it funny??? Say yes... enjoy<33
The fifth period bell rung releasing me from the evil clutches of my creepy still- in- the-closet - gay
English teacher, who more then obvious passes at me every chance he gets. My pocket vibrated as my phone sang out ,“Tic Tok on the clock, but the party don’t stop noo~” He was calling, to answer or not answer? I told myself no and clicked the side button to silence the noise, but my fingers wouldn’t unwrapped from the cell. Yanking the phone out once again I answered.
“Hello… Ke-… I‘ll be right there.”
Shoving the phone in my pocket I’m off running, seeing nothing but his face, hearing nothing but his broken voice. They broke up? He cheated on Key. I turn the knob opening the classroom. He’s there in the corner: hunched over, elbows on the desk, face in his hands. He’s going to breakdown soon. His heart, it’s swelling in pain, bound to bust from the shattered pieces. He’s crying and I cant bite back a smile. I’ve been waiting for this day for so long. To lend my shoulder to his tears, my body willing to hold his trembling frame steady.
I want to be
By her side forever
Take place there as a man
Not a friend
I'll hug her in my arms
And look after her
So she's not sad
(I'm gonna tell her, yeah)
We make it out and to a secluded hallway, dark and grim before tears trickle down Key’s soft cheeks. I cant see his face, it’s buried down between his curled knees. “Forget him, trust me one day you‘ll meet someone who will only look at you….”Someone who has always looked at only you.
My handkerchief dangles in front of the lifeless shell, my words hanging in the sullen silence.
Finally a mumbled voice filled the air, “Sorry for looking like this, you must think I‘m so pathetic.” His eyes look up to gaze upon mine, they’re beautiful even with tears shimmering gracefully like moonlight on a flowing stream. Can you see me? I’m determined to show you my love.
I want to be
By her side forever
Take place there as a man
Not a friend
I'll hug her in my arms
And look after her
So she's not sad
(I'm gonna tell her, yeah)
Tears cascaded in rivers pooling to the floor, the handkerchief traded for my shirt. Your holding on to me so tightly now, never let go. Let me be your comfort place, blanketing with love, a shied against pain. You are the only one for me, let me be the man you trust and forget everything else. Never again will I let you leave me. You saw me that day, the love I have surfacing to view. Forget the love he left in your heart, believe me, trust me. Only love can erase past love so look to the man standing next to you. The man that always stood by you.
Look to me.
Short, simple, sweet. Wrote this in history when i had some free time. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think. Comments=<3333