(no subject)

Dec 24, 2004 11:55

so, i got a little drunk last night. not only did i get a little drunk, but i also got a little sick. i actually wasn't even that drunk. i had 3 and a half beers with some(ok, alot of) grass to go with it.
i shoudn't have smoked till the room spun. i was gone and crying over my mother like a baby. head in trash can, throwing up everything in my stomach, and making stupid phone calls to people who are out of my life.
i had one of the most profound breakthrough seizures ever. i called greg to get it over with. i needed something to focus on. i needed to be close to something at home.
i felt like shit afterwards.
no one will admit it, but they heard everything last night. they know everything now.
it's like the night quintin went insane over his brother... people will talk about it behind my back, but never once bring it up to me again.

fuck going home. fuck having to move out, then back in. i can't wait till the 16th of jan. when i get to start living this life again.

You Are Margot! You're talented, brilliant, and
extremely non-chalant. You were both winning
playwriting contests and taking up smoking
before hitting high school. You've been
married for nine days to a recording artist in
Jamaica, cheated on your most recent husband,
Raleigh, with Eli, a friend of the family for
ages, and you're in love with Richie, your
brother through adoption. Your best scene is
when you get off the bus, and your best line in
the film is obviously "I think we should
secretly be in love with each other and leave
it at that."

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