You're not supposed to think too long or too hard on this one. List 15 books you've read that will always stick with you -- list the first 15 you can recall in 15 minutes. Don't take too long to think about it. Then tag 15 friends and see if they write their own lists (part of the challenge is to think about which 15 friends would have the weirdest or most interesting book list).
1. Gravity's Rainbow
2. Swallows and Amazons
3. Lipstick Traces
4. Player of Games
5. Pride and Prejudice
6. In the Skin of a Lion
7. The House in Paris
8. Diary of a Seducer
9. Capital
10. Stand on Zanzibar
11. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
12. The Power Broker
13. My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist
14. The Built The Unbuilt and the Unbuildable
15. Holy Fire
This was hard, because I can never remember the name of anything. These aren't the only books that have stuck with me, but they are the first ones that come to mind. Now I will have to look at everyone else's list!
Actually, I'm only going to tag
mofic here, the rest will have to answer on facebook ;-)
ETA I was tagged by 2 people on FB, so I guess that's at least two people who think my book list might be weird or interesting. I think it is interesting, but I don't think it's all that weird ... of course, after the 15 minutes were up I immediately thought of a lot of interesting titles, but now I've forgotten them again ;-)