"Comments on Yuuki, Queen of Pirates, and recent Akanishi interviews will follow."
That's what I said right? Well.
Yuuki: Curse you jep_cast girls!!! (shakes fist in the air in a parody of impotent fury). The last 45 minutes of this was about 3 hours long. Plus Oguri had really bad hair. I liked the cleancut guy with the bike though. That's how desperate I was to appreciate something.
I should have capped the Perth bits to send to
quiznitediva .
Too bad they didn't show him learning english, she could have had a walk-on.
On the bright side: Now I have an answer to the question "What's your least favorite jdorama?"
Queen of Pirates: I like all the songs so far. Must continue listening obessively. Where did I put my ipod?
Akanishi: Doesn't he seem a lot happier and more mature than he used to be? He sounds OK with just being himself. Not that one should depend entirely on celeb magazine interview for this. But I am thinking back also to the cKT "time off" special when he and Ueda were kind of ridiculously relaxed and laid back and they had that conversation about "boring" things. Check the
ViVi and
More magazine interview translations to see what I mean.
lip_stick_love says there's a rumor he's been seen hanging out a lot in a well-known gay bar so maybe that's it. I also read a rumor that he got back together with Uehara Takako and they are wearing matching rings. Take your pick ;-)