Events of last 27 hours

May 29, 2004 10:03

Don't remember nothing about school Thursday, since we really didn't have any since chorus had to go practice for about four periods. Got a ride with Tegan and Mason and Angelo, went to Wendy's and that was quite pleasant. Then went home and ate, changed, went to Dad's office and did some homework, then met up with Courtney for about fifteen minutes before the graduation ceremony started. Then I did something incredibly stupid. And it paid off.

I asked her out.

And she said yes.

And I was floating on air from there on in.

Graduation was fun, no matter how much I tried to hate it. The processional was quite boring, but once they got to the musical performances, things got great. Tim Cooper presented an orchestrated piece called David's Lyre, Striker absolutely fucking blew my mind with the piano thing he did, and this really good band that looked like the 5, 6, 7, 8s did a song that I really like.

Gonna go Vandalia now. With Mason and Sam. Rah.
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