Feb 22, 2005 14:25
People with weak stomachs, turn away!!!!
Those eating beware!
It's the adventures of Amy, return to the emergency room of the royal!
Yes, that's right I ended up in the royal at 8am this moorning and didn;t leave until around 11am.
Short version of a long story, have bladder infection which effected my bowel ( how??), causing the acid reflux and sore stomach that stoppped me from sleeping and eating most non mushy things for the last 3 days.
How did I discover this??
From deciding that it was time to be well and start running again.
Ran 20 mins before I was racked with a cold sweat, dizzy, weak as a cheap garbage bag, and cramped with chronic pain on the oval.
Thankfully I had my trusty mobile and Lukey came to my rescue. I literally couldn't walk from pain, so he had to bring the car down a dirt track not intended for driving, to get me to the hospital.
They hooked me up to electrodes, took my blood pressure ( very low) and heart rate ( extremely low, that's why I fainted), and put me on a drip after taking blood.
After I'd had a drip full of water, sodium chloride and anti-acid stuff, I could finally get up again.
We left, me barefoot and in a pair of oversized blue hosptial scrubs.
Any more details, please email me or ask me personally.
Oh, and since I havn't been able to drink coffee ( too acidic) I have got to day three of withdrawl of this enforced abstinence from my favourite drink.
On the plus side, I'm sleeping beautifully. :)