the dark side of T&B

Dec 04, 2011 21:37

So I got this lousy job in the first place so that I could save up to buy a car. That was to be one of the steps toward real adulthood. I saved up for months with the intent to spend it responsibly. But then the bros convinced me to watch this new show. And unexpectedly, I fell in love with a silly old man. And then I was compelled by love, to have things with his name or his face on them, or little mementos of him. I bought his expensive cologne. Artbooks, t-shirts, doujins (so many doujins). I intend to buy the blu-rays when they become available here. I barely talked myself out of buying the gorgeous Figurarts. The frenzy continued until the show ended, at which point I had calmed down enough to assess the situation. I had blown nearly all my cash on merchandise and international shipping costs greatly inflated by the dreadful exchange rate. Didn't help that I was also buying manga and dvds every month. My life is stable now; I can pay my bills, no problem. But I am sad and bored because my favorite show of the year is over and I have nothing to look forward to during the week, no wonderful distraction from work. None of the shows this season have an appeal for me. At least we have the new movies in production, and the dub, and the NA dvd release next year. But it's such a long time away :(
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