Dec 15, 2003 21:08
Hey guys! omg i just got back from shopping with ava and kathleen! wish tehra could have come but no u have soccer! haha jk! yea well when we first got there we ate at panda express...yummy...and then we saw sister maria which is really wierd because on the drive over there i was thinkin what it would be like if i saw her there! not good! after that we went shopping!! we spent like 45 min in rampage and no one even got anything...and then we went to abercrombie where i got candi's gift! then i went to hollister to get kathleen and ava's gift and then to claires to get other peoples. i havent gotten tehra her gift yet...sry hun! but i can believe i spent that much money! i had nothing left from my birthday money that was only 2 weeks ago! i have like 7 dollars! its terrible! im dead...i hope i get alot of money for christmas because i had like 300 dollars for my b-day and its all gone it 2 weeks and i think i only bought myself a 30 dollar jacket! ugh!! so good gift! haha! well all yall let me know what u guys want for christmas or just tell me what u r askin gotta run and finish studian for my spanish test tomorrow! love yas all oxox muah sweet dreams night night
love always