May 14, 2008 02:29
For a young voter, still trying to make up your political mind while following primary and election coverage can be a real head-trip. When a candidate makes a statement or there’s an issue, you have one expert on this outlet going in depth putting their spin on something, then you change the channel, radio station or pick up another newspaper and you have another expert on the other side spinning it to fit his agenda.
I really, really hate picking political sides but if I had to register as one I would pick conservative. I like the idea of big brother staying out of my business and the idea of succeeding or failing on my own without a large government entity restricting me. With that said here are the things that confuse me about conservatives, which have really made me leery of fully committing.
1. Gay Marriage-I feel should be completely separate as religious and political issues with the whole separation of church and state. The argument has been made that the language of the first amendment is vague and doesn't specifically say "separation of church and state" but it does say
'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
So who’s to stop someone from starting a religion where it’s against the rules to marry straight? Extreme I know all I’m saying is that for every loophole there’s another loophole. My main argument would be whatever happened to keep the government out of our business? Isn't this a violation of that, when there’s a law telling folks who they can and cannot marry? Some guys like Blondes some like Brunettes, myself I seem to be partial to brunettes. Marrying Blondes is legal but it doesn't mean I have to marry one if I choose to marry a brunette, are the law makers saying the only thing keeping us straight is the law?
2. Stem Cell Research-This one is very frustrating because I see it as a great opportunity for compromise. The right could easily say, "we want abortion outlawed and we'll keep working to overturn roe v wade but in the mean time why don't we try to turn the loss of life into a positive and maybe save someone else's?" Whether you're for abortion or against it, it's legal. There are fetuses being aborted and right now they're just being disposed of, what would the harm be in using them to try to improve the quality of life for people with Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson's disease? I think the fear is that abortions would go up or perhaps that’s an argument that’s used because a compromise on this issue would give off the impression of inconsistency.
3. Abortion and Welfare-People have their morals and religious beliefs which they have every right to. Morally I feel ending a human life before it begins is wrong, accidents happen but the majority of stories I hear are from people who couldn't stop and think for a second in the heat of passion and traded the next 18 years in for a few minutes of fun. That being said I think having abortion, as a legal option is a lot more constitutional than outlawing it, going back to the whole "keep the government out of my business" ideal. If one were morally opposed to abortion they would be free to choose not to have one. I'm confused about how a party could be trying so hard to reduce the amount of people on welfare but force people who are incapable of a.) Making sound rational decision b.) Supporting themselves let alone a child financially to have the kids anyway. If abortion were legal wouldn't there be fewer mouths to feed on the government's dime?