Theres no such thing as real news

Apr 29, 2007 13:56

Since January I have been doing an internship, which I would have to wake up extremely early on days I would work until late at night. In between my internship and my job I would turn on cable news channels to get my news once and have some background noise to nap to when the stories would repeat themselves. Never in my life have I been more disgusted or jaded with anything than how we are spoon fed this crap. Here are a few conclusions I have come to and things I think everyone should keep in mind when they're getting their news from TV Radio or newspaper.

*If they're on TV and in a suit chances are they're lying or over exaggerating

*Speaking of over exaggerating news outlets are experts at causing panic and over reactions. Take the Don Imus situation, a rich old white geezer in a cowboy hat said something that Al Sharpton took offense to. Al Sharpton who seems to be an expert at pitting people against each other points a finger at Don Imus assuming that he was appointed the representative for all of white America, for some reason people who have never heard of Don Imus believe Al Sharpton and point the finger back saying "Oh yeah?! Well rappers say hoes" it reminds of when you were a kid and your brother hits you and you hit him back your mother comes and yells at you both which prompts the "He started it" Finger pointing.

*Over reaction since I’m on the Don Imus thing this throw away comment which most younger hipper morning DJs would probably get away with saying has caused such a shit storm that now CBS seems to be firing people for not saying "bless me" after they sneeze, at this rate talk radio is going to become just traffic and weather reports until someone gets offended at the word "rain." But we all know this won't happen because scape goats are chosen by someone i'm guessing advertisers making some people untouchable and able to say anything they want and others an over sensationalized media time bomb waiting to go off. When there’s a tragedy everyone has an opinion and it seems only the most extreme ones seem to get the most attention. The Virginia Tech shootings were a horrid tragedy but a rare circumstance. I understand that 33 people should not have been killed but this "teachers should carry guns" proposal, which is building steam, is just ridiculous and over kill. I would place a money wager that if that legislation was passed it would lead to more than 33 deaths in its first year due to teachers feeling threatened by a student walking up to them with a hand in their pocket assuming that they're going to pull a knife on them. There are people who are allowed to carry guns on campus they're called police and just because the VT police did a crappy job after the first shooting doesn't mean everyone with teaching credentials should be certified to carry a weapon.

*Anna Nicole Smith's baby's father and Alec Baldwin's angry voice mail is not headline news worthy for more than an hour, leave the continuing coverage and dissecting of this stuff to the tabloids and morning radio shows who tell the truth and present themselves as what they are ENTERTAINMENT don't take stories that belong in US weekly and put them on CNN MSNBC or FOXNEWS and present them as news stories that affect any of us.

*News is not news anymore its all about selling ads and selling ads is about getting as many people to watch as possible. This is why Anna Nicole Smith and American Idol get so much coverage on Cable news and even our local news its to get people who find politics and things that actually do affect us boring to watch.

I'm spent
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