Jan 12, 2008 07:44
I love my home. I love my friends and my family and my dog and my bed and my cities. I loved visiting my high school where the young sweat made me feel sticky. Where I was good and confident about everything I did here because I've done it thousands of times.
But I cannot cling onto the comforts of home. For once I have a life where I'm going back to, though it might be crazy and painful in a way being home hardly ever is. I must go back. I crave a life there, not stagnant nor comfortable, but passionate and driven. I have a gorgeous, sexy, intelligent, fun, and beautiful life waiting for me. But-Good bye Bay area. like a yo-yo I'll always come back to the hand that threw me.
"we won't break, we won't die, it's just a moment of change. All we are, all we are is everything that's right."