Dec 06, 2007 23:25
Hello all. I know it has been awhile since I have posted, but alas, fear not. No one probably reads this anyway. But if you do, kudos to you.
Its finals coming up. Yay much kids? Not really. But I've already got one down, and three left. My next is on Saturday. Yes, the weekend. 9-11 to top it all off. That is a lovely thought, you know. "Sweet, its the weekend! Oh wait, math final" Hella boo boo. But it is school, and semester is almost over, so there is no complaints. And now, I'm done going on about school.
I'm on a format kick. That is literally all I have been listening too. Song after song, word after words, I just drink it all in. It is calming to me, but something that I can totally rock out to if I have the need to. Sam and Nate are musical geniuses. And I damn myself each time they come out here, and I dont go and see them. I vow that I am going to see them next time.
Songs that I cannot get out of my head: Faith in Fast Cars, Make This Moment a Crime, If Work Permits, and Career Day. Have those songs just playing over and over again through my headphones and I'm set. And their cover of "This Town Aint Big Enough for the Both of Us" by Sparks is insane. Very very catchy. But I am sure that you format fans already know about this, so its old news really.
Right now, it is cold and rainy outside, showing California what winter is supposed to be like. None of this 90 degree winter bullshit. Give me cold, give me rain, give me an excuse to light up a fire in the fireplace and drink hot chocolate. Give me an excuse to go running down my street like a maniac, letting the cold rain hit my skin. Now that is a feeling that cannot be compared to much else.
With winter comes the inevitable: December and Christmas. Leaving a very broke robby. Hahah, I'll pull though. But then the though of what comes after christmas comes to mind: a new year. I've thought long and hard about this year, all the good times, and all the major scale horseshit that seemed to like to jump on by back at the end of high school. Ah high school, how lame is was. Now being in college, you hear the people saying they want to go back to high school.
I know I wouldnt, seeing as drama likes to follow me around. People are immature and are somehow unable to get it around their little minds that I just do not give a fuck anymore. That was all in the past. If you want to go and wallow in hatred because of something you yourself brought on and tried to bring me down with, go ahead. It isnt affecting me. So go think that we are here to ruin your entire college career. It might make things interesting, if not very funny each time you run sprinting from the room to get away.
So this new year, even when it is like a month away, all mentions of those people in high school, those immature drama starters will be stricken from my memory, from my speech patterns. They are gone. For all I care, they were not part of any high school I went to. I like think that makes things much better, gives a sense of calm.
I happen to like that calm.
night kids.