Uh hey wow I haven't posted in a while, have I?
A few things then!
The trailer for Voyage of the Dawn Treader (hat-tip to
dramaturgy for tweeting this and making me die of suspense while I was at work). I shrieked in glee like a little girl during this thing -- this is my FAVORITE of the Narnia books -- and it really looks like they're going to do it justice and I can't wait. Seriously, take a look, this is going to be so much better than Prince Caspian (and I basically freaking love Prince Caspian if that tells you anything). I think they've finally wrapped their minds around how to use CGI to portray ~*Narnian things. Skandar Keynes is also becoming a hella impressive actor (always knew he was, but).
Where was I. Oh! The reason I haven't been around: I have a job! Actually gainfully employed, getting real physical money, that sort of thing. It's part-time captioning telephone calls for the deaf/hard of hearing, mostly with voice recognition software. My schedule's finally settled (I've been working there since May 24th, this is my fourth week and it's going pretty well.
Last but not least: if any of you who happen to be reading this have money and a desire to donate it to Gulf Aid-type causes, and like my fic, or hell, like fic/fandom things in general, I feel the need to point you to
The first auction is still on, but only until 11 PM PST/1 AM CST/2 AM EST tonight. My thread is
here, I'm up to $10 and offering quite a few fandoms to choose from. Come on and check it out, they're up to $800 but I bet we can get it to $1000 in the first round.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥