I really need to write in here more. I'll make it quick!
One. Happy birthday,
roseanna, and condolences on losing the Mimi quote. XD
Two. This post is coming from my new laptop, which is just gorgeous and amazing and I think I've finally gotten used to Vista. (It took a whole day -- it arrived yesterday and completely sidetracked my plans, I was like SHINY)
Three. I am so in love with New Who, I am scary in love with it. I devoured the first season in about three days flat (which is pretty fast, for me) and just, guh. <333 YES. Thanks,
fathersandsons pimp, what pimp is plowing on remarkably and it's really exciting. WOO. Actual reviews and everything! Please pop over for a look, if any HP fandomers see this, we're just trying to spread the werewolfy love.
Here's a question to my flist, incidentally, inspired by a conversation with
When it comes to movies, or books, fiction in general, what's worse:
a) fiction with fewer women who aren't part of a romantic subplot, or as significant others if you will, or
b) fiction where they try to avoid this by pasting women on yay, adding a badass girl or a cold female villain or the like?
Another reason I ask is the archetypes on TV Tropes I was reading a few days back. If you haven't seen TV Tropes yet,
check it out, if you've got a lot of time to burn. (DON'T CLICK, LIZ OR KAESA. DO NOT CLICK. I WOULD LIKE TO BE ABLE TO TALK TO YOU AT SOME POINT TODAY.)
Ah it's good to be back on LJ.