Feb 14, 2009 12:27
so valentines day is about love, so here are all the things I love:
- my friends, who at the very least have kept me laughing all these years
- my family, who I thank God for everyday (and who are coming to see me today!)
- new paltz, third time was really a charm for me. I never planned on transferring (who does?) but it was honestly the best thing I ever did. who would have thought kristyn and kevin would have started such a movement?
- long island, specifically the beach. this summer, i don't care what my schedule looks like I want to be at the beach at least two days a week. i miss the sand and the sun and surf.
- the west wing, haha i still watch season 1 to put me to sleep.
- taco bell, no matter how bad it is for me I look forward to those galleria trips for that very reason.
- v.s.'s kiss me perfume, new favorite!
- ben folds five, self explainatory.
- my staff/being an RA, i can't explain how great my staff makes being an RA, I love every single one of them.
- my friendlys history, I say history because I can't seem to appreciate friendlys as it happens anymore but reliving things that were amusing and annoying are still great. and even though I'm not really close with the current "fcrew" i still they are all great and halarious people.
- organizational communication, i'm so happy i found a major that interests me and that i'm good at (even though I can't see how you can be bad at it) ESPECIALLY since its sending me to philly in april! woot!
- dancing
- my faith, i've finally figured out how to define faith for myself and not just giving into a set institution and figured out how to worship in a way that makes me feel comfortable and better about the world.
- politics
- heated things, especially when the heat goes out in collango and my bf ken can't fix it
- having my own room at school
- turkey burgers with american cheese on 12 grain bread and a large cranberry juice.
- kristyn's laugh, any of them.
- danielle's ability to know what i'm saying even if i'm not explaining it well at all.
- the faces martha makes in any situation, i don't need a nonverbal class
- alice's existance lol
- being a big sister
- feeding people!
- text messaging and emails
- my internship, i really hate it but it makes me feel like an adult sometimes and i like it lol
- onerepublic
- people who argue with me just for the sake of it
- heroes and fringe and LOST and shows that make me forget real life for a while
- notes on my white board
- nicknames!
- my mom, in the present tense because even though she's not here I still love her
- being left handed
- temperatures above 70 degrees
- not wearing pants***
- peach snapple
- when people think i'm funny
- when i procrastinate everything by doing silly livejournal updates