Jan 01, 2009 23:19
there were/are so many things I wanted/want to update about. for some reason while watching bones its hard for me to remember. lets go back a bit.
christmas was as expected, bittersweet. we did christmas eve dinner early with my moms family, which was tough but good. I worked actual christmas eve at friendlys which was fine, jeanette, janna and brendan always keep me entertained. oh, we did friendlys secret santa, before then, jenny liked her cookie jar and cookbook, and sue got me a giftcard to Barnes and Noble. oh yeah, friendlys christmas party pissed me off. it was kind of busy so i didn't get to go to it, which is fine. but then everyone who went and who got to enjoy the party and the food sat there forever. but then they didn't clean anything up. and caroline, the new manager sat there with everybody while I helped steve close dish. I hate that shit. and like I'm not going to not help kristyn clean up or steve close because no matter how much I hate friendlys and whoever I still like kristyn and steve lol. idk, the friendlys era is coming to a close. I can only take so many more shifts of people standing around not doing their jobs, not helping people and just being fucking lazy. I know its hard to be motivated to do a shitty job but I always just feel like if I can do it, so can you! so, my new low tolerance for friendlys stupidity may make people hate me but whatever, it'll be good practice for being an RA lol.
speaking of being an RA, i'm super excited. I finished my door tags tonight (hearts, stars, horeshoes, clovers and blue moons, pots of gold and rainbows and me red balloons!) and I've only got twelve days until I go back! I still have to do some shopping for bedding and a fridge lol. perhaps on saturday.
I also landed a paid internship for this semester doing research for CREEO, i'm really excited because than I can take the summer off and have my resume where it needs to be! i'm nervous because its been a while since i've been like challenged and this internship will be a lot of new skills and thinking like a real person lol. its also going to be a very busy semester!
so back to christmas, I went to mass with kristyn and company christmas eve and it was refreshing. I can't escape the idea of a God and religion. Its hard to articulate. I think the idea of God is something that everyone can relate to; I think a lot of the things the bible teaches are worthwhile lessons. I mean, I feel like religion has a teaching device has some merit. Its how we teach lessons, the moral and theme are literary devices, they aren't going anywhere. I also think that the way I see catholicism is really very close to positive thinking. I pray to God that things will work out, that my problems will be solved, that I'll be happy or that I'll be sucessful. Is that really different than telling people to look on the bright side or to envision the outcome they want? there was a slight theme of forgiveness in the words of the priest also. which i'm trying to work towards, but its hard. I never know how to balance that line of forgiving people and keeeping myself from getting hurt again.
new years was last night. I don't celebrate new years because it doesn't mean anything to me. nothing starts or ends in january; time is continuous. I'm the same person I was yesterday, none of my problems have been solved. new years is a holiday for people who need an excuse to booze it up or need an excuse to make changes in their life. I'm not really against people who do that its just two things I don't need an excuse for. I also envy people who find it necessary to make changes in their life, that changes aren't forced upon them.
okay, time to shower off the glitter glue. breeze.