Car Bomb

Dec 07, 2006 21:22

Thats me about to have a CAR BOMB shot.

Wheee...had this new crazy drink. ITs called a CAR BOMB. And i cant find any reference to it in the Wiki, so maybe its a local drink. My 25% Irish + 75% german friend, with whom i had gone to this place said that the drink was invented in Boston. It was originally called *Irish Car Bomb*, but then that was too controvercial, so only the *Car Bomb* name stayed.

All right, wat is it all about and how you drink it. The small glass has a mixture of various alchohols, having 60% alchohol percentage. The large glass has diluted sweet alchohol. You litrelly drop the small glass into the big glass (not pour the contents, just drop the glass), And go bottoms up with the large glass. Thats a Car Bomb for you! enjoy :)
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