being sick is sooo not fun! i spent the entire weekend in bed which was kinda nice actually lol but i'm feeling waaaayyy better. and i hope that everyone that i got sick is feeling better too! (sorry about that arlyn!) and ali you HAVE to get better by this weekend!! lolol!
okay so i decided to be cheap this year and just use one of my sisters dresses for homecoming. but i can't decide on one. ive limited it to three so PLEASE help!! thanks!
its sparklier in real life. but is it too plain? i also have one like this but in pink sprakles so thats another option
isnt that a super pretty color?? but im not sure about this one sleeve thing..
i think this one is super cute too. but is the pink bow thing so last year??
okay now please help!! thanks yall!
♥ RaChAeL ♥