Mar 06, 2006 01:41
Well. Well, isn’t that sweet. First of all, I’d like to just say a special “fuck you” addressed to a greatly *un-special* you. Yes, those are kind sentiments, aren’t they? Believe me when I say I could be much more scathing. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that it’s a fair possibility I could burn you with the fire from my eyes - my brilliant, bright eyes blazing with contempt.
I am so unbelievably sick of being walked all over, treated like shit, or "ignored" while actually being worked against. I'm completely done with being the "considerate one" or whatever the hell it is I'm supposed to be. No more caring about the assholes I went to high school with. No more rushing over with band-aids for the physical injuries and soothing words for the invisible ones. No more using all my spending money on little things for the unappreciative receivers. No more wasting time and money on sending cards for special occasions, and especially not for any reason at all. No bothering to make calls that will go unreturned. Certainly no taking the initiative one hundred percent of the time with people that obviously don't give a damn. No, I'm not going to give a flying fuck, because why should I? Though for the record, whatever power you think you had over me by playing your immature little games, it was, and is, nonexistent. Did you honestly think you could hurt me? You've all ready tried to ruin high school for me, and failed. Although, I will give you this: unfortunately, every time I look back at old photographs and scrapbooks, even my yearbook, I'll be forced to remember all the unpleasantries I encountered as a result of your sadistic need to make everyone experience a living hell. If that's the only way you know how to achieve any semblance of happiness, than I may just have some pity to spare. Nope. Sorry. Never mind. I'm fresh out of any form of sympathy. I guess you'll have to run crying to all your little friends, who are apparently God's gift to you for being ever so *delightful*. Yeah, okay. If you think the world envies your pathetic "group," you're beyond delusional. "Oh wow, I wish I had friends like that!" There's one thing I've *never* heard *anyone* say about you. Why would they? You use everyone to further your own needs, and when that's done, you turn your sick games on your old friends. I feel sick to my stomach every single time I remember we were ever friends.
The past tense. Ooh, that's mean!!! Oh, I'm sorry. Did I upset you? I didn't think you knew how that felt. Oh, I'm the bitch now, right? How were you ever friends with a complete monster like me? You know, I just hate myself so much. The sad thing is, if I had let you get to me, I would. Maybe no one's ever confronted you about how seriously psychologically messed up you are, but just so you know, normal people don't behave that way. They wouldn't even think to. Maybe it's some kind of disease? One that destroys the chromosomes responsible for loyalty and proper social functions? That would actually make sense, wouldn't it? No, you know what I love though? I love the *incredibly* creative ways you come up with for breaking off friendships. Seriously. I should take a leaf out of your book next time. You really know how to end them, don't you? Let me review my options, mmkay? Let's see:
1. Every time you communicate to me in any form, even if you're just being polite, I'll ignore you! Then, maybe you'll *finally* get the hint.
Oh, I like that one. Shall we see if I can do better though?
2. Pretend to be interested in whatever it is you do, but on the inside with would you just go ahead and *die* all ready. I just won't respond ever, like I'm in some kind of vegetative state or something, and then I'll wait for you to go away permanently. Or at least not give any indication that you know me. That's what I wanted, after all. Ew, I don't want people thinking I'm *friends* with you. Honestly, do you know how that would make *me* look? You're way too smart/serious/realistic/in touch with reality/dull/ugly/miserable/depressing to be around me. So get a clue, and get away.
That one's better than the first, but what else have we got?
3. Make it as public as possible without actually interacting with the person. The more people who know I'm done with you, the better. Then, they can all follow *my* example, since I'm *so* the leader of the group, and get rid of you too! Whoever doesn’t just isn't cool. Whatever. As long as they do *something* I suggested, I *suppose* I can still be friends with them. But anyone who doesn't listen will have to either be convinced or dropped. We excel at both. We all have the same friends. We all have the same thoughts. We all listen to *only* each other - never an outsider.
So, after reviewing the possibilities, I think I'm going to have to recommend the last one. I'll be sure to use that one next time the need arises. You know what my favorite thing to do is, along those lines? Make away messages that very obviously apply to someone, but without using names. Why? Duh, that way you can always deny, deny, deny if you decide you need to use that person for someone? See, it works quite well, if you ask me.
Wow, you make me sick. I just don't understand it. For the life of me I do not understand how anyone can act the way you do, and think - seriously think - that how you treat people is both fine and normal. It's time to *wake up* from whatever delusions you've been feeding yourself over the years. I guess it must've been gradual or something, because I swear it wasn't always like this. There *was* a reason we became friends, though it's long lost now. You know what, we're just very *incredibly* different-in-every-way-there-is people, and I can definitely live with that. What I couldn't live with is being like you. I would rather *die* than live with myself if *that* was the person I was. Hard to believe? For the common person, no. For you, without a doubt inconceivable. Come off it. Step down off your high horse and level with me. You know you're not a good person. You know you make people miserable, and that you get some kind of high off it. Don't be so surprised that you're being called on it. Maybe, doubtful, but maybe, after reading this you'll realize what you've become and try to fix yourself. Yes, I chose the word "fix" over "change" because "fix" implies that something negative must be made into something positive. And *that* is what you need to do, because so far the "changes" you've made have all been bad ones. You took a bite of the twisted fruit of “life,” one rotted to the core, and it has spread its poison throughout the soul. Your lives are like a hell on Earth, spreading malice and misery with every passing step. A life without virtue, without morality, is one wasted.
There used to be one I still called friend. Yes, I would’ve even called us extremely close friends. What I failed to realize, what I can’t believe I was so foolish to never notice, was that you deceived me. You led me to sincerely believe you still cared when all the others had turned away. I guess I realized too late it’s still cool among all of you to fake friendship. I can hardly believe I thought you were different. I remember all those times we spent together. I wonder, did you enjoy the card I made an ass of myself over by sending? Do me a favor and burn it, will you? It’s the last physical documentation of my high regards towards you. Honestly, did you think I wouldn’t find out? This was my last time being taken for a fool. I warn you, I warn everyone, it will *never* happen again.
I know by posting this I am almost guaranteeing that a lot of people are going to hate me. Considering I already *strongly* dislike (unlike others, I still refuse to use the word “hate”) all of them anyway, I find myself not caring. It really doesn't concern me what you think. Any true mutual friends we've had are gone; they've decided where their loyalties stand. Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know what that word means, do you? You never will. I’m afraid the capacity for such a thing is something you quite frankly lack. And for the record, don’t pinky swear forever, because, apparently, it’s not in your vocabulary.