ambitiousgirls drabble dump.

Jul 10, 2014 22:27

mark of love.
snsd. jessica/hyoyeon. pg.

“It looks good.”

It’s been a week and the bandages had finally been able to come off. Hyoyeon still breathes in sharply when Jessica’s lips pass over the tender skin at her hip.

The tattoo had been a spur of the moment thing. She’s gone with another friend as moral support and had somehow come out of the parlor with one for herself and strict instructions. When she’d actually gotten the nerve to show Jessica the still red and swollen skin, the other girl had stared at her for a long moment before tugging Hyoyeon to their shared bedroom and proceeded to give her the most satisfying lay she’s had in a long time.

“Does it?”

Jessica nods, soft hair tickling where it bushes against Hyoyeon’s skin. “It does. I like seeing my name on you,” she murmurs, tracing the finely inked lettering with her nail and Hyoyeon shivers at the feeling.

“Feeds into your narcissism?” she questions, mostly joking, a grin on her face that is quickly wiped off when Jessica straddles her, holding her by the hips where her fingers press in to the thin skin. She bites back a groan as Jessica rolls her hips, bottom lip caught between pearly white teeth.

“And if I do? You’re mine, you know,” she says, leaning to press kisses along Hyoyeon’s neck, lightly nipping at the skin. “Anytime you wear low riding jeans, or stretch up, people will see it, see my name on you and know you belong to someone else. Me.” Her voice is quiet, but Hyoyeon feels as if it’s resounding all the way inside her body.

"I like that," she mutters and Jessica sits up from where she's been sucking a deep bruise against her collarbone.

"Of course you. Who wouldn't want to belong to me?" Jessica quirks her lips before capturing Hyoyeon's in a deep kiss that felt more possessive than her name inked into her skin.

sweet candy kisses.
a pink. chorong/bomi. pg.

Chorong slides past Eunji to take the back seat, sticking her foot in the last space and pointedly motioning the other girl to sit up front with the other members. She hears her grumble, but doesn’t pay her any attention, just shifts until she’s pressed against Bomi’s side.

“That’s not fair, you know. They’re gonna be squished up front,” the younger girl mutters, eyes fixed to her phone screen.

Chorong shrugs and presses closer, leaning her cheek on her shoulder. “Do you want candy?” she asks, grinning as Bomi squirms away from her warm breath against her neck.

She starts digging through her bag when Bomi nods, holding out her hand. Chorong frowns when she pulls out the small bag of candy a fan had given her a few days ago. It was almost empty; there was only one cellophane wrapped piece left.

Bomi notices and hurriedly snatches it, unwrapping it and sliding it in her mouth before Chorong can even react.

“Ya! We could’ve shared!” she says, reaching down to lightly pinch her thigh, enjoying the squeal that erupts from Bomi’s lips.

“Stop fussing back there!” Another member shouts from up front and Chorong bites back at them to mind their own business before jabbing her finger in Bomi’s side. “Come on, you’re supposed to share~!” she whines.

Bomi’s cheek bulges out for a moment as she sticks her tongue out at the older girl. “You offered to me first, so there,” she points out before turning back to her phone.

Chorong pouts in her seat as their manager pulls out into traffic. They’d only gone a few streets before she’s reaching over the small amount of space between their bodies and gripping Bomi’s chin.

“What are you doing?” the younger girl questions, hand reaching up to curl around Chorong’s fingers.

“I want some too,” she mutters before surging forward, trapping Bomi’s lips in a sweet kiss. The younger girl gasps and Chorong uses that as the perfect opportunity to sneak her tongue out, the tip curling around the hard candy with ease.

When she pulls away, it’s with a grin and she sits back arms folded across her chest smugly. Bomi has a dazed look on her face and her lips are sticky and red from the kiss and her gaze drifts to Chorong. “Unni…”

Chorong raises an eyebrow and Bomi leans forward. “You’re gonna share, right?” she breathes out and Chorong doesn’t have a moment to think it over before Bomi’s leaning forward to plant a kiss on her.

confusion sensation
glam. zinni/jiyeon. pg.

When she first meets the older girl, she’s in the middle of dance practice and Jiyeon is enamored by the way her body moves, strikingly powerful yet graceful, and she feels an odd sensation in her belly that has her face heating.

The odd sensation in her belly dies down as she gets to know Jinhee,now Zinni, and their little group grows with new members. Jiyeon treats her like an older sister, coolly untouchable and understanding all at once. Miso and Trinity do much the same, fawning over Zinni’s dancing and rapping and likable personality, but it’s not them that cause Jiyeon’s first unnerving emotion.

It’s Dahee.

The younger girl is shameless with her affection for Zinni, constantly buzzing around her with bright smiles and constant compliments that are returned by the older girl. Compliments about her singing, about the clothes she wore, about this and that. Jiyeon never thought she was the jealous type, but it fills her anytime she sees the two together.

So when Dahee accidentally let slip that she likes an unnamed idol with her hand on Zinni's thigh during an interview, Jiyeon's the one that flips her lid rather than their company.

"Don't you think you're being too much right now?" she nearly shouts once they're away from the staff. Dahee only stares at her with big eyes and the other members rush to calm her down.

"Fanservice is fanservice, but this is going too far!" Jiyeon is stomping away before she can respond, seeking solace in an empty practice room where she nearly throws her sneaker at the mirror before a hand lands heavily on her shoulder.

She whirls around, prepared to snap, but stops when she realizes it's Zinni. "Oh, unni...." Her anger dissipates almost too quickly at the site of the older girl and she struggles to keep it going.

"Don't you think you're being too much?" Zinni says, not unkindly. She presses down on Jiyeon's shoulder so that she sits down, joining her on the floor. "I'm not sure why you yelled at Dahee, but it wasn't right," she mentions and Jiyeon's eyes bug out.

"Unni, don't you understand? She basically confessed to you!" she points out, indignant on her behalf.

Zinni stares for so long that Jiyeon momentarily wonders if she's having a mental breakdown. The laughter that erupts from her is enough to make her believe so. "What's so funny?"

"Ya, Park Jiyeon, you're really dumb you know," she gasps out between chuckles. Jiyeon doesn't even have the chance to protest before she's speaking again. "Dahee doesn't like me, I don't know where you even got that from, but it's silly. The idol she was talking about is some skinny Teen Top member."

Jiyeon doesn't get to point out that all the Teen Top members are skinny because her jaw drops open in confusion. "What? You two aren't.... but you spend so much time together....ah, my head hurts," she trails off, rubbing at her suddenly aching forehead.

Zinni's laughter dies down and she scoots closer, pulling Jiyeon into a one armed hug. "Dahee told me about her crush, the reason we spend a lot of time together is because the rest of you didn't know. Plus, while I like girls, Dahee isn't really my type," she mentions and Jiyeon turns to look at her.


"Yeah...I like dark hair and lips that do this," she makes a wavy 'M' shape in the air, "and while Dahee sings really well, I like girls that can rap too," she adds and Jiyeon frowns even harder.

"You sound like you have someone you like," she mutters, her jealousy transferring from her bandmate to some imaginary idol.

Zinni nods. "I do. Have for a while now, actually, ever since I saw her practicing Yoon Mirae's 'Don't Leave Me'. I fell in love with her voice five seconds after her face," she remarks, a grin on her face.

Confusion is bubbling along in her with the jealousy from this seemingly perfect sounding girl, and Jiyeon furrows her eyebrow. She's practiced that song before, many times, but she doesn't really know what to make of it.

Zinni either takes pity on her or grows tired of her dumbfounded look because she rolls her eye and turns to her full on, planting her hands on her shoulders. Jiyeon can only blink at her before there are lips on hers, warm and soft and definitely kissing her.

She only comes to her senses after the older girl has pulled away and stares at her with wide eyes. "Did you just kiss me?" she asks breathlessly, earning a bark of laughter.

"And if I did?" Zinni asks, a smug look on her face.

This time, it's Jiyeon's turn and she tugs at the end of one of Zinni's braids and moves in to kiss her, her other hand resting on her knee.

When they pull away, breathless and red-cheeked, Jiyeon has a large smile on her face. "Why didn't you do it sooner?" she scolds before leaning in for another kiss.

pairing: zinni/jiyeon, fandom: snsd, fandom: glam, pairing: chorong/bomi, fandom: a pink, pairing: jessica/hyoyeon

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