Title: Young Tonks
Summary: Tonks discovers her morphing powers.
Characters: Nymphadora Tonks
Genre: Humor?
Rating: G
Word Count: 498
Author's Note//Disclaimer First one for challenge number one of the ficlet challenges for
hh_sugarquill At the tender age of seven years old, Nymphadora Tonks, though she preferred Tonks, knew from the very beginning that she was a unique child. How unique, she did not know exactly but she would take it as it came. Currently, she was sitting in a chair during her school hours, with everyone staring at her in shock and disgust. She had no idea what she did wrong that made everyone stare at her this way but she felt very uncomfortable with it and wanted to get away very quickly. There were people pointing and whispering at her and being as young as she was, she couldn’t understand why. She opened her mouth to speak but the laughter that arose stopped her suddenly, causing tears to form in her eyes. She looked around wildly and quickly ran out of the classroom, tears beginning to fall quickly. She heard the students begin talking, mentioning her nose and lips and the adults laugh at what they were saying. She shook her head to clear out the thoughts and noises, and ran to the bathroom, locking the door as she entered. It was then that the tears she was trying to hold back began pouring out of her eyes. She had no idea why everyone was laughing at her, pointing at her, mocking and making fun of her. It had only been her first day at the school and she had told - no promised - her mother that she would be especially good on said first day. What would her mother say if she saw her now, crying on the bathroom floor like she was nothing but a commoner? She got up from her perch on the floor, shaking as she did so and wiping her red eyes from all remnants of crying. She turned on the tap of the sink and washed her face, quickly looking up at the mirror before reeling back in shock. Instead of her usual facial structure of a nose and a mouth - a human nose and mouth -- were a pig’s nose and mouth. Her mouth went wide in shock, her jaw dropping down to the ground. The tears started to come back and she moaned in shock and...something completely different than what she normally felt. These people, people she barely even knew were making fun of her because she had grown a pig nose and mouth. Looking away from the mirror, Tonks sighed and wished that the pig-like features she had grown would go away. Turning towards the door she saw that indeed, her human features were back and her mouth dropped down in shock again. Clearly more focused than ever before, Tonks stood by the bathroom mirror and wished that she grew dog ears and VOILA! She suddenly had dog ears and could not help but admire them. She thought of cat ears and then they were there. She turned back her features and realized she could do marvellous things with this newfound ability.