entry 042 - hp

Jun 05, 2011 14:29

Title: Toaster Wallet
Author: jamie_love13
Beta-Edited: N/A
Pairings/Characters: Sirius Black, Harry Potter
Word Count: 336
Rating: G
Genre: Humor
Spoilers: None
Status: Complete
Summary: Sirius calls, Harry pays no attention.
Disclaimer: Do not own :(
Warnings: AU as in Sirius is alive and Harry ends up with Hermione.
Notes: For  hh_sugarquill

He jumps when the telephone rings, surprised that someone would even think about calling him. He normally doesn’t give out his phone number to people, as you know, he’s a wizard, and all of his wizard friends don’t really know how to work the phone, so there would only be a select few people that would indeed phone him. There’s Hermione, but he can hear the water running upstairs for her shower, so he knows it’s not his wife. It could be Ron, except last he checked, him and Luna went on another honeymoon - which might be why he’s so busy right now. The phone rings one more time, and Harry rushes to pick it up before he stops. Just as he puts it to his ear, he notices his youngest son, at the fine age of fourteen months, try and put a plug into his mouth.

“Sirius James Potter, get that plug away from your mouth! “ He shouts, all razzled, before pressing his ear to the phone and saying a breathless hello. He’s taken aback when he hears laughter before rolling his eyes.

“Hi Sirius,” He grins, putting his phone on the crook of his neck and shoulder.

“Hey kiddo. How’s my favourite godson?” Harry laughs at that, turning around for a minute to look at the backyard.

“I’m your only godson, Siri.” He grins at Sirius’ laughter, rolling his eyes slightly as he imagines his godfather.

“Yes, but you have a lot of kids that I might love more than you.” Harry guffaws at that, quirking an eyebrow, even though he knows Sirius won’t be able to see it.

“Please, you know I’m your ----“ Harry stops suddenly, his eyes going wide as he sees Sirius, the little one, playing with his wallet. He can hear his godfather speaking, and when he returns, he can only say one thing:

“Sirius, I can't talk now, I have to get my wallet out of the toaster.” He hangs up without hearing Sirius’ rowdy laughter.

for: land comm, ship: harry/hermione, ship: sirius/harry, genre: humor, fandom: harry potter, character: harry potter, rating: g

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